Rep. Patrick Kennedy had an incident the other night. Around 2:50am Thursday he was pulled over by Capitol Police after almost hitting a police car.
Kennedy told the officer that he was "headed to the Capitol to make a vote," the report said. The House was not in session at the time.
He has said that he returned Wednesday night to his home on Capitol Hill, took the medications and inexplicably wound up driving to the Capitol in the belief that he needed to vote.
"I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the police or being cited for three driving infractions," he said.
Kennedy has been taking Ambien, a sleeping medication [...] There had been some questions about whether he'd been drinking, but the report sure sounds like Ambien to me.
his show Carlos Mencia had a fake ad for "AmBioff", which showed the many side effects it can cause. They included sleep walking, sleep eating, sleep bullriding, sleep acting out scenes from "Scarface" and and sleep cheating, with a hot midget. (Warning: Mencia's show is screamingly hilarious, but also about 90% racial stereotype jokes. If that's going to bother you, avoid avoid, don't drink soap. Ok!)
I can do things while I'm asleep that I don't remember later, sometimes even having mostly-coherent conversations, but usually things like turning off my alarm and/or eating a whole lot of cookies. The idea of being able to get dressed and leave the house, though, is pretty scary.