that 25 things meme

Feb 08, 2009 16:53

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emmlar February 8 2009, 16:59:45 UTC
1) I'm a tall'un. 5'10/11, and I find it awkward when I'm around a large group of people who are alot shorter than me. I miss my tall friends.

2) I get emotionally attached to people very easily, and I keep those people close. If you're one of them, I'll let you know, but I won't be obvious about it.

3) My top 3 albums of all time, in no particular order, are Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism, Brand New - Deja Entendu, and Jack's Mannequin - Everything in Transit.

4) I'm pretty sure the extended 45 minute version of Qi on a Saturday is the best thing to happen to tv in a loooong time.

5) I am actually incapable of keeping any kind of space tidy for any length of time. My bedroom is a mess, my workspace at college is a mess, if I'm supervising at work, the area around the till is a mess..

6) I have friends in very random places around the world. God bless the internet, hahaha

7) I cannot eat mashed potato. The texture of it makes me gag D:

8) I listen to an obscene amount of music. Seriously, go check out my

9) People never believe me when I tell them where I work, and what I do. Seriously guys, I really do sit in a siezure-inducing coloured shed, and paint kids faces all day. And yes, I do get paid for it :D

10) I may have squealed a little out loud at the news of the Blink 182 reunion.

11) I really do not understand the concept of personal space. I will hug you, poke you, sprawl across you..

12) I wish I'd put a little more effort into learning to play the guitar, by now I could be pretty damn good at it if I'd tried.

13) Sometimes I wish I'd put more effort into science at school, and had followed through with my childhood dreams of going to veterinary school.

14) I am a compulsive nail biter. It's really unattractive, I know.

15) I honest to god will answer the phone with "sup, yo?". I also really overuse the words "hardcore" "epic", and the phrase "i know, right?"

16) I'm not quite sure what I did before the crackberry.

17) I take alot of photographs. Chances are if you're friends with me, I have a good few unattractively angled photographs lurking on my harddrive.

18) I'm probably going to end up at the far ends of the earth for the next 3 years, studying a subject that will get me nowhere in life. But I don't care :)

19) I love writing hand-written letters. You want one? I'll send you one, care-package style.

20) That loud bit in Luca just scared the shit out of me. Every. Single. Time. 3.56 in, you know what I'm talking about. DDD:

21) I have an inexplicable urge to pack it all up, move to Chicago, sleep on people's floors, do scut work, and an unpaid internship for a tiny radio station. (

22) Hangover Via lunches are just the best. That place has the cutest bartenders ;___;

23) I officially have "the best AIM screename ever". *nod*

24) I make am-az-ing vegan brownies. They kick every other brownie's ass.

25) I'm pretty sure there is absolutely nothing of interest here...

I copypasta so we can see the similarity in some of these :(


nmhrbrtsn February 8 2009, 21:18:28 UTC
bcause we are mfeo.


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