I'm back, guys!

Aug 05, 2005 05:25

Sorry I've been gone for so long, kids.

I just made my journal pretty...Likey?

Yeah so here's what all you kids have missed:
I basically hung out with Chelsea for the longest time. And recently she's been kinda neglecting me but w/e no biggy. I had a kick ass 17th birthday =] Even though my plans were kinda ruined cause only 2 people could come. Oh well I still had a good time. I've met new people and gone to concerts. Went to Bele Chere and hung out with Adam and that made me happy. I dyed my hair blonde =] and not much else [other than this stuff] has changed. I'm going to be going back to school be it Hendo or Balfour... More than likely balfour. But yea those of you who have my xanga name know about that whole story. It's too much to type... Summarized it's like this:

Hendersonville High- See all the seniors, have to double up on math and science, be a sophomore again, not be able to take cosmetology, and graduate 2 years off schedule.

Balfour Alternative- Not see the Seniors [not really a biggy] Not have to double up on anything, have more credits than I need, graduate only 1 year off schedule with a free-bee credit, take cosmetology.

So I'm thinking I'm gonna go to Balfour

I love you guys... Tell me what you think =]

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