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Jan 26, 2011 00:48

Lots of stuff has been going on in the last few days. The research on robins that I'm helping with finally started. Feeding mealworms to robins is quite fun once you get over the wriggling mealworms.
On Saturday I went with a friend of mine who works for Weta Digital to a party. It was put on by James Cameron for all the people who worked on Avatar. We got all dressed up and had so much fun, it was awesome. We saw James Cameron, Richard Taylor and James Nesbitt from Jekyll nicely let us go in front of him at the bar:)
Yesterday I went to the most amazing exhibition at the Dowse. It's called White Cloud Worlds and is a collection of science fiction and fantasy art from NZ artists. The art was so beautiful.
And finally, now that I'm working at the dvd store I get free dvds. I've been watching lots of old favourites that I haven't seen in ages and also some that are so bad they're good. I found a copy of an old BBC Swallows and Amazons video. I can't wait to watch it. I loved those books when I was a kid, still do.
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