Jan 17, 2006 23:14
Today I've traveled back to school. It's hard to believe that just the night before I was celebrating Tom's birthday and cruising around Natick. It all seems like a dream. When I come back here I step into a totally different world. George Washington has been a great place thanks to my roomates who I've been so pleased to have here with me.
I returned around 11 this morning and discovered Kori in our room. He was my first roomate and it is almost fitting that I ran into him first and related some of my break that I may have left out from aim conversations. I was then glad to encounter Nunez stepping through the door with his intentionally awkward and over dramatic yells and gasps of surprise and joy. Apparently they all thought that I was coming later than I arrived. We waited for Adam and then we all went to break into our freshly renewed Gworld accounts.
Adam and I ended up talking over lunch about the new year and what it had in store for the both of us. Time away from people tends to help strengthen relationships. I can't help but dwell on the fact that I am shocked at being somewhere so different than home, that has its own qualities that make it feel like home. Is it possible to have two homes or does one just block out one of them to prevent them from conflicting with each other. Either way, I'm glad to be back in the District.
After lunch another suprise was awaiting me. Kori brought his car from home and bought a parking pass for now until late february. We took advantage of this new novelty and drove to the Target in Arlington. It was a stop that would have taken us hours to reach via metro and walking. We then cruised around our school and got to see our school from a whole new perspective. Although Kori is a madman at the wheel, he has driven in New York and he is quite skilled. Nunez always says you can't trust a man who doesn't drink. There is definitely a lot of truth in this, but still I will take a ride in his car over no car at all. Unfortunately, his car is standard and driving stick has never been a talent of mine. My only experience in this field is perhaps helping Smelly shift while she drinks coffee.
I haven't been to class yet but I've already dropped a course and picked up another. I discovered that the elective that I chose was an unwieldy course that I really cannot afford to attempt at this point. I have replaced this elective with Intro to Crimminal Justice.
We also went to the pub tonight with Dave and then while Adam was at work, we watched American Idol. Dave is like our 5th roomate. He lives with us and even when I was not there last night, he and my roomates took one of our closet doors off it's hinges to use for Beirut. Perhaps that's why there were beer stains all over my desk!
I can't wait for Thespina to bring my guitar down. I know I won't progress very quickly but I was getting the hang of it before I left and I'm yearning to be able to play Jack Johnson songs and other popular music favorites.
I appologize for the discontinuity of my writing tonight but my thoughts are disorganized and I'm tired.