(no subject)

Jul 08, 2005 22:57

I have to add a little caveat to my Ocean Cove horror story. First of all, I have the absolute best staff working for me. During the encounter, when things started to get a bit ugly, my two RBC football player staff members, Steve and Bob, were right behind me. As Steve said afterward, "we had your back if it came to blows." That was refreshing. Secondly, a bunch of people came up to me afterwards to tell me they agreed with me, and that these people were out of line. The Board President even told me I had his support, and apparently let everyone know it at the Board meeting.


Has anyone noticed that Johnny Depp's wig in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory resembles the "Sally Bowles" Cabaret look?? Aside from the silly wig, I want to see that movie. Looks good.


1 week until Harry Potter!


I finally received my wrongly graded paper in the mail today. My unintelligent professor had comments like, "Dumb" and "Who is he? Some small town columnist?" in my paper. This professor is a complete buffoon, a self-proclaimed "terrible writer", who is nothing more than a graduate student. He doesn't like my writing, because it's "too conversational." Strangely enough, that's what most people love about the way I write. My writing is accessible. It's not snobby and pretentious. I try to make something boring and mundane sound interesting and worth reading. Sadly, this academic snob doesn't quite get that. I've won awards and honors for my writing, and I'm not about to change it because this idiot doesn't like it. I'm planning to appeal the grade to the department head, though I know that's not going to change anything. He'll refuse to do anything under some nonsense idea of professor's having to be able to have carte blanche authority when it comes to grading. Maybe some of these professors need to be reigned in a little... If nothing else, I'll do my best to make this professor's life miserable, drag his name through the mud a little. The ideal scenario would be to get him fired. He's clearly incompetent, and shouldn't be teaching anyone...

This incident is just another of the many things I dislike about Rutgers University, and why they'll never get a cent of my money after graduation (save for Dr. Scott's "Science Bus"), and why I'll never recommend anyone attend this poorly managed school.


At least it wasn't Paris...


Oliver Stone is set to direct a new 9/11 movie that will star Nicolas Cage. While I don't necessarily have a problem with a 9/11 movie (though I think it's still too early...). If it's done tastefully, it could be a moving film. All of our nation's tragedies (the Titanic, Pearl Harbor, etc.) have been dramatized at some point. 9/11 will be no exception. I just wish they could find a director more suited for the project. No doubt Stone, whose last movie was the torrential flop Alexander (starring Colin Farrell), will fill this movie with his cockamamey conspiracy theories. Remember he also directed "JFK" where he erroneously claimed the FBI was behind the assassination of both JFK, RFK, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Perhaps he'll bring on Michael Moore as his collaborator for this film, so the two of them can create fiction together.
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