Aug 12, 2007 09:17
I went to pick up Peta from her late shift at 12:15 last night.... er... this morning. Very, very early this morning.
Anyway, having picked her up, we were driving back home along Shelbourne, chatting away, when I suddenly spotted a tire laying on the road in the middle of my lane, maybe 5 or 6 meters ahead. The street was deserted, so I swerved to the right, narrowly missing it, and pulling safely back into the lane. Yay for Young Drivers defensive driving courses!
As I'm fighting off the adrenaline, Peta pipes up "we need to go back and get that off the road. That's really dangerous."
Thank god someone has some sense at 12:15 at night.
So we turn around and pull over to the side of the road. As we approached the tire, I started to think "wow, someone is driving around with only three wheels."
Peta then said to me, "look, there's another one on the side there, and one in the grass over there."
Oh my god! Someone's driving around with only one.... wait a minute.
We (Peta) hauled the tire to the sidewalk, where it wouldn't wipe out traffic. We found a sign pile of tires by someone's yard, and a sign: Free Tires. I suspect someone with no sense of humour whatsoever rolled the tire into the road for fun, to see what a car accident looks like. I'm just glad we spoiled their fun.
Extra credit to Peta for being such a good citizen! Maybe no one will ever know, but she probably just saved someone's life.