The Beginning

Apr 04, 2005 03:01

Well lets start at the beginning. Don't want anyone to get lost out there, let's start with the main people just in case you ever get lost:
Damon:the guy best friend I grew up with
Jared:the secret crush
Cory:my cousin's best friend
Eric:my cousin who introduced me to everyone
Laree:the ex chick-fil-a night manager
Jessica:the friend I grew up with at school
Jenee:the friend/not friend/Damon's ex
Jeff:the drunk guy/Laree's new interest
Alright it all started about seven years ago. Jared had lived here a while and I had gotten to know him well enough to know that I really liked him. Well this kept up for seven years. And I was doing good no one knew, except me. Well I made the mistake of telling Damon that I liked Jared. Aw hell then he told Jared one drunk night and it came out more like "Kaylen wants to fuck". So it was all great that night we got along as usual then the next couple of weeks came. I meet Laree his manager and fuck friend. As you can tell I was shocked never had Jared ever brought another girl over to Damon's. Oh I hated her. Well Laree started hanging out with all of us and me and her figured out we actually have a lot in common. Now me and her are best friends. So after Damon's big mouth had told everyone that I wanted to fuck Jared, Jared and me started not to talk that much. Not to mention I was a virgin yeah it was the big news on Clinch. Well me and Damon figured out this great plan that we were gonna play Jared and tell him I had already lost my V-card so he would take it. Well it worked January 16th me and fucked. Now to newer news I brought Jessica over to Damon's ONE day, which was cool cause I have known Jessica since grade school. Well the problem was she never left! So her and Jared started this whole thing, all lovey dovey and shit. I think she had this all planned from the beginning because she was like I DO NOT like him, the next minute AWW I REALLY do like him. WHAT THE FUCK? So they start going out. Then Jessica calls Laree's cell phone bitchin about Jared's georgia hat, and almost runs us over at the movie theater parking lot. So I gave her the hat, after I set it on fire. She got the bill of the hat!! hehehe. Thats about the shortest I could get there and I still missed a lot. Oh and Jared moved to Ga. lucky for us he is down for two weeks....yay...not. And last night we went over to Jeff's and got drunk and hung out with a bunch of people. Well there were two guys that I guess had told Laree they liked me, which they both just met me THAT night. I talked to everyone at the beach while were fishin. Everyone leaves except Chris (one of the guys) and we four go back to Jeff's and after about 10 minutes on him hitting on me and rubbin my leg, yeah I was ready to go. Me and Laree get back to my house, and I was like I'm sorry Laree I know you didn't want to leave. And I hate when Laree is right she goes it's ok I's not Jared! Wow I hate admitting it but she was right. And thats where we are at today.
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