
Nov 30, 2007 01:05

There's this variety show on channel U, they were just discussing about maids.... it's a like a small forum.. talking about the good and bad about hiring a maid... well... after listening to all their discussion..being an employer for six years.. i actually did feel something in my heart.. but if i'm to translate that into words.. i can actually publish a book on it..
Not trying to stereotype this thinking but i know that maids and employers each has a part to play. Its not always the maids fault neither it is the employers' too. Sometimes it really has to depend on your luck, so all i can say is if u can afford to do it yourself.. be it housework, babysiting or watever reasons, its always better to entrust it to someone close to you, maybe parents or even relatives. And of course if we have that option, we wouldnt be taking a maid in the first place right?
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