Mar 15, 2005 16:08
Hey, sorry that I have not updated in a while...
*So yah I found out that all men are the same! )except roger cunningham)
>>Yah Kyle is an asshole! he thought that he could get away with cheating on me! Yah right! He cheated on me whith his nasty ex...megan. WOW that is just sick! I dont even care that he cheated on me other than the fact that it was with her nasty ass! WOW that is gross! The funniest part of this is that while we were going out he always said that he hated her and how nasy she was, yet he fucks her while going out with me> WOW what did I do to get this put on me? Picked the wrong one again! GO ME!
>>Soo yah I hope the best for them, I hope that they grow old and die of syphallis together!