Afanasyan Grigory
Artsakh State University
State formation, and in her democratic institutes is the continuous and at the same time discrete process accompanied by jumps from strongly ordered determined to free stochastic system. It is actual transfer from a condition of degeneration (stagnation) to a new condition of degradation (uncertainty) which conducts to self-damage of the settled system. There is vitally necessary process a rejuvenation of the world which corresponds to the position stated by F.Hegel:”That is reasonable, is valid; also that is valid, it is reasonable” [1].
Spontaneous infringement of parity reasonable and valid is character that jump which we name revolution, a shock. Disintegration of the big country, a parade of sovereignties creations states is again an ignoring: “unities of essence and existence“[2] when concepts do not correspond to the changed validity.
Basically, it is natural and necessary a development way on a spiral. Accumulation is destructive - the creative information, promotes mood change, gives the chance: ”self-organizing of weight of the people …” [3], destruction to destroy that for years was created by many generations. Increasing entropy, distinguishing the past from the future:”... And eternal which is present at the present.” [4], without having reached the uttermost self-damage and self-destruction (system collapse if do not work internal mechanism self save), system begins return process to ordered determine to a condition. Take place very interesting pulsing process, from chaos to the ordered condition and back, from the ordered condition to chaos with safety asymmetry time, that its one-orientation. On this background take place events, developments of consciousness, consciousness, collapse old and there are new states, the existing become stronger. This increase of the disorder coincides with extending Universe, prophesy by A. Friedman in 20-s' years of the last century from solutions it cosmologies equations of the general theory of a relativity of A. Einstein.
Recently started up Big adron colaydr in CERN Geneva, gives the chance to take one more step to knowledge of our Universe born in a point of singulars at the moment of the big explosion and to feel as reason unity of the world, as physical, and spiritual.
Force of knowledge moves the people, to be accomplished break on an infinite cone of knowledge, to interaction and mutual understanding. ”Penetration in reasonable, is comprehension cash and valid” [5], and this expression concerns not only to Post-Soviet, but also all world community. Problems arise from depth not understanding as the certain weight of the people possessing inertias thinking, at the moment of a shock cannot for a short time interval comprehend accomplished events, if to consider that fall not only material, but also spiritual values. Through certain time, negative energy (entropy) stimulates economic crisis approaches, pushing the existing states to a mutual recognition and cooperation. This expedient and necessary action is accompanied by reciprocity in everything, including respect to again organize states having old tradition.” Clearing of colonies appears the greatest blessing for mother country … ”[6], it is an indisputable truth, a basis of bases any stately, the guarantor of its stability and prosperity. This movement, overcoming resistibility again born new, actively stimulates development, gives the chance to "people" to fly words of Immanuel Kant of the Edging highly:“ Dissecting in free flight air and feeling its counteraction, the easy pigeon could imagine that in a vacuum it would be much more convenient to it to fly ”[7].
Strong counteraction is the good support for interaction of the states. “If two contrary each other judgments assume an unacceptable condition both of them disappear, despite their incompatibility (which, actually, there is no true contradiction) because the condition at which it is unique disappears and each of these should be valid positions” [8], it is possible and there is an idea of the decision of the question of Karabakh.
“In cash life of the people the substantive purpose consists in were the state and keep up itself as such“[9]. Past cargo lies heavy burden on people, it as “Augean stables” and its clear away is necessary joint efforts, without having erected new “berlins walls”. Depending on degree (average level) of development of the people, processes of formation of democracy in the different states go on a miscellaneous, in one faster, in another slowly. But that unites, so it irretrievable changes, and uncontrollable transfer to a civil society. Movement of Europe and the countries of Latin America towards the updated Russia and on the contrary, cause much more intensive and friendly cooperation. Interaction becomes even stronger post-soviet republics with Russia.
The epoch uncertainty and instability, color and flowers revolutions, leaves the positions won. Here it is necessary to note an enormous role of Russia, it enormous strengthening experience state, democratic institutes, its support of all positive take place on the post-Soviet territory: “For the essence of the matter is settled not by the purpose, and the realization, and not the result is valid whole, and result together with the formation; …” [10].
The literature
1. F.Hegel - "Legal philosophy" - Moscow, "Thought", 1990, p. 53
2. F.Hegel - “A logic Science“, volume 2 - Moscow, "Thought", 1971, p. 171
3. F.Hegel - "Legal philosophy" - Moscow, "Thought", 1990, p. 353
4. F.Hegel - "Legal philosophy" - Moscow, "Thought", 1990, p. 54
5. F.Hegel - "Legal philosophy" - Moscow, "Thought", 1990, p. 53
6. F.Hegel - "Legal philosophy" - Moscow, "Thought", 1990, p. 274
7. I.Kant - “The criticism of pure reason “-Moscow, "Ecsmo", 2007, p. 46
8. I.Kant - “The criticism of pure reason “- Moscow, "Ecsmo", 2007, p. 391
9. F.Hegel - “Philosophy of spirit“, volume 3 - Moscow, “Polit.Lit”, 1956, p.331
10. F.Hegel -“Phenomenal spirit“- Moscow, “Soc.Econ.Lit.”, 1959, p. 2