Posting for Dec. 1-2

Dec 06, 2009 14:26

1. Describe a great classroom activity that you observed. What made it great? What was the impact on student learning?
2. Discuss factors affecting teaching and learning in the classroom
3. What are the different ways student learning is assessed?
Students recently had a respiration and photosynthesis quizzes in honors sections. Rather than everyone getting As and Bs as usual, we actually had more of a bell curve with students actually getting Ds and Fs. Of course we heard from a lot of people. But what I see happening is that when students some in Ms.L tells them like "oh ya, a lot of people had trouble with #11". But then what I don't see if her going into her master test to see if she can reword the question, or offer a new question to get at the same material. I think that if many students are struggling with the same questions this is usually due to the way it is worded and interpreted. I often have questions about what she is looking for in a response for some answers and we differ in what we think. If this is the case, then the questions need to be more specific if you are going to grade so narrowly.

4. Notice the culture of the classroom. What is its impact on student learning?
5. How are your own biases affecting your observations of the classroom?
6. What have you come to know about the individual students in your classroom (you don't have to tell about each student, just a few examples)? What do you know about how they learn? Give examples, be sure to use Pseudonyms for students names.
7. What affect does classroom management have on student learning?
I have a slightly looser classroom management style than my CT. And when conducting a lab where students are more free to move about and chat/collaborate the atmosphere is a little more up beat. Now yes, maybe it is less organized and they might be slightly more off task, but I think the environment is more friendly.

8. What do you notice about the broader school context and how it affects student learning?
I noticed an ELL
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