Theatrical thursday ~~~~*

Jul 30, 2009 14:57

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1. Describe something you learned
Here's my movie I made today! It's all just artsy garbage in a sense that were things just saved in my U drive, but I really just wanted to get the karaoke in at the end (halloween- "Tobias" from Arresteed Development and a crank achordian monkey). I never have yet edited and cut together a video so that was cool. I can now put together all the shots I have of crazy weather from Bellingham. It was cool to see how quick this all is, aside from snafoos on getting the videos downloaded and downloaded in the right format. And I can see that I can pick things up quickly and I can try and try things until I can find a way to make it work.

2. Questions you have or something you would like to learn more about- I know it's not possible b/c we don't have an active/ smart board in the classroom, but getting to know some of the things that that is supposed to do would be nice.

3. Describe connections to classroom practice- I totally want to let kids make their presentation/projects in this format. It's definately more fun that having to write a paper, and easier to grade a 5 min video! I know there was a time when I was young that I just did not want to get up in front of the class and talk. But if this is all done through video, photostory, or voicethread then that takes some of the anxiety out of it.

**Reminder to me for later- test reviews on voicethread, having each child do a problem, and also reviewing additional ways to do the same thing.

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