Jul 13, 2005 17:10

Yea so I have to hang out at work for another hour to wait for this DNA incubation to finish b/c no one else is staying late. So it's gonna be just me, in the lab, all by myself, nothing really to do, well not wanting to do anything. Sooo....heheh, i'm just gonna sit here at my computer and dink around till it's time to go. heh. Super excited! I'm going kayaking tomorrow. I figure thursday is going to be nicer than friday, how do I know this? Walter in Q13 said so. Well both days are gonna be nice, I just wanna get a tan! Maybe I forgot to mention it but i wanna get into kayaking! Like as a hobbie of my very own. Not like I need any more hobbies, but I figure an outdoorsie one would be nice. I eventually wanna buy one, but that includes alot of things: kayak, roof rack for car, life preserver, spray skirt-so not to ge wet, paddle, and any other various accessories, there are many. But I figure this summer I will try to save up and buy the roof rack. So at least i could rent kayaks "off site" as they call it and take weekend trips. I wanna go out around the San juans!!! oooooo! But tomorrow I'm just gonna go rent one at this little place by my work- Agua verde. And it's really cheap and reasonable! single kayak----- $12/hr, $20/ 2hr Double kayak-----$18/hr , $30/ 2hr AND...Monday thru friday 10am-4pm if you buy two hours you get a third for free. So that rules. AND as a UW student I get 20% off! So I get to go for three hours tomorrow for only like 16 bucks! So affordable! I'm so pumped! yay for exercise outside! I'm gonna try and cross lake washington over to the eastside. We'll see how I do. I'm gonna call my mom from the middle and freak her out. If anyone else is ever interested let me know- I'd love company! Oh and anyone up for going to Wild Waves sunday July 31??? Jack? B/c Chris and I are going for this wells fargo day for freee! ANd I got a coupon in the mail from BECU for 11$ off. what a deal- getting in for 20.99! And that is good for up to six people. I'm sure I could find additional ones at the website tho too. I'd lke for a whole bunch of people to go, it wold be fun. So request off work those that need to, if you wanna come of course. I think parking is like 3 or 7 bucks, so carpool too. 40 more minutes left at work here...... Willy wonka friday too for those interested- Nick I havent heard from you recently. IMAX theater in the science center, and I think it's like $9, and a $3 parking nearby- again carppool. I don't know the times b/c it comes up friday, so I'll know friday morning. Funny>>> I didn't completely close this water dispencer thing at work this afternoon. Ya....water all over the floor, like gallons! ! ANd we were doing this interview for a new lab manager and they were looking around for me to give ehr the tour, and they walk into the room and the floor is like a huge puddle. What a great impression on our parts huh? so I spent a good half hour cleaning that up. the floor needed to be cleaned anyway, heh.
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