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USAF Intelligence Targeting guide" -
Targeting And International Law":
A4.2. General Restrictions on Air Bombardment: The Immunity of
A4.2.1. Protection of the Civilian Population and Civilian Objects. The
civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, may not be made
the object of attack. Acts of violence intended primarily to spread terror
among the civilian population are prohibited. Neither may civilian property
that is not a military objective be the object of attack.
A4.2.1.1. Non- participation in Hostilities . Civilian immunity
carries with a strict obligation on the part of civilians not to take a direct
part in hostilities - they must not become combatants. Taking a direct part in
hostilities means engaging in acts of war directed toward enemy personnel or
materiel. Civilians who take part in fighting (whether singly or as a member of
a group) become combatants and lose their personal immunity.
A4.2.1.2. Requirement to Distinguish . The requirement to distinguish
between combatants and civilians and between military objectives and civilian
objects imposes obligations on all the parties to a conflict. This is true
whatever the legal status of the territory on or over which combat occurs.
For example, civilians may not be used in an attempt to render an area immune
from military operations. Also, civilians may not be used to shield a defensive
position, to hide military objectives, or to screen an attack. Neither may they
be forced to leave their homes or shelters in order to disrupt the movement of
an adversary.
A4.2.2. Military Objectives. Military attacks must be directed only
against military objectives. Military objectives are those objects which by
their nature, location, purpose, or use make an effective contribution to
military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture, or
neutralization in the circumstances offers a definite military
A4.2. 2.1. Many objects are clearly military objectives - for example,
the enemy's military encampments or armament (such as military aircraft, tanks,
antiaircraft emplacements, and troops in the field). Factories, workshops, and
plants that directly support the needs of the enemy's armed forces are also
generally conceded to be legitimate military objectives.
A4.2.2.2. Controversy exists over whether, and under what
circumstances, other objects such as civilian transportation and communications
systems, dams, and dikes can properly be classified as military objectives.
Modern transportation and communications systems are deemed military objectives
because they are used heavily for military purposes in intense
A4.2.2.3. However, the inherent nature of an object is not controlling.
Even a traditionally civilian object (such as a civilian house) can be a
military objective when it is occupied and used by military forces during an
armed engagement. The key factor is whether the object makes an effective
contribution to the adversary's military action, so that its capture,
destruction, or neutralization offers a definite military advantage in the
circumstances ruling at the time.
как видно, USAF подходят к вопросу весьма утилитарно, и ключевой фактор -
вносит ли объект значительный вклад в военные действия противной стороны, так
что его захват, уничтожение, или нейтрализация создают определенное военное
преимущество в сложившихся обстоятельствах. И далее:
A4.3. Precautions in Attack. Only a military objective is a lawful
object of attack. Therefore, constant care must be taken when conducting
military operations to spare nonmilitary objects and persons, and positive
steps must be taken to avoid or minimize any civilian casualties or damage.
The principle of proportionality must always be followed, which prohibits an
attack when the expected collateral civilian casualties or damage to civilian
objects is excessive or disproportionate to the military advantage anticipated
by the attack.
A4.3.1. Types of Precautions. The extent of danger to the civilian
population varies with the type of military objective attacked, the type of
terrain, the type of weapons used, the kind of weather, and whether civilians
are nearby. It also depends on the combatant's ability and mastery of
bombardment techniques, the level of the conflict, and the type of resistance
encountered during the attack. Therefore the following steps must be
A4.3.1.1. Identification of Military Objectives . Initially, those who
plan or decide upon an attack must do everything feasible under the specific
circumstances at the time to ensure military objectives, and not civilians or
civilian objects, are in fact being attacked. Sound target intelligence
enhances military effectiveness by showing that the risks undertaken are
militarily worthwhile.
A4.3.1.2. Incidental Civilian Casualties Must Be Minimized . Attacks are
not prohibited against military objectives even though they may cause
incidental injury or damage to civilians. In spite of precautions, such
incidental casualties are inevitable during armed conflict.
This incidental injury or damage must not outweigh the expected direct
military advantage. That is, the potential military advantage must be balanced
against the probable degree of incidental injury or damage to civilians. If an
attack is carried out efficiently, using the principle of economy of force,
against a military installation, it would not be likely to violate this
On the other hand, if the attack were directed against objects used
mainly by the civilian population in an urban area (even though they might also
be military objectives), its military benefits would have to be carefully
weighed against the risks to civilians.
Required precautionary measures are reinforced by traditional military
doctrines, such as economy of force, concentration of effort, target selection
for maximization of military advantage, avoidance of excessive collateral
damage, accuracy of targeting, and conservation of resources.
A4.3.1.3. Cancellation or Suspense of Attacks in Case of Mistake . Target
intelligence may be found to be faulty before an attack is started or
completed. If it is apparent that a given target is not a military
objective, or that the target is under the special protection of international
law, the attack must be canceled or suspended. An example of such special
protection would be a hospital protected under the 1949 Geneva
A4.3.1.4. Warning Requirement . Under the Hague Regulations, a warning
must be given prior to bombardment, when circumstances permit, to permit the
civilian population an opportunity to avoid injury. The "Hague
Rules", written at the Hague Peace Conference of 1907, deal largely with
how to fight an enemy who is in the field, and is still fighting, while the
Geneva Conventions deal chiefly with the respect due our enemy, who is no
longer able to fight, as well as treatment of civilians and civilian objects.
If civilians are unlikely to be affected by the attack, the warnings need not
be given. A general warning may satisfy this requirement, because a specific
alert could jeopardize the attack force or the mission.
A4.3.2. Prohibition of Attack on Undefended Areas. Under the Hague
Regulations, towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings that are undefended may
not be attacked or bombarded. An undefended place is any inhabited place
near, or in, a zone where opposing armed forces are in contact, and which is
open for occupation by an adverse party without resistance.