(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 20:36

So Hermitage totally sucks.

I hate it here.

I hate the people here.

The only good thing is that we have a couple good classes. I am in love with advanced drama. The class is ten times better than what New Kent offered. And we're putting on the most awesome one-act in November. It's hilarious (and we get to curse each other out on stage, HOLLA) Haha.
And 20th Century studies is pretty neat. Mr. Savino is more awesome than the class.

But the place is still a damn maze. And I don't have a freakin' physics class yet. Maybe tomorrow. I hope to God I get switched out of A lunch and into B lunch....that would be awesome. Then I would have lunch with Erin. :-) And I think Erin is freakin' awesome!

But I really miss everyone. And I work so damn much that I don't get to see Ryan. He's coming home Friday and I'll get to see him a full 15 minutes. Hoo freakin rah. My mood is lousy and I acknowledge this....and I don't really give a damn. Everyone here is so freakin egotistical and full of themselves. And of COURSE I WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU! Geez. I swear. Disguisting pigs.

This isn't my home. New Kent is my home. And I miss it.

What I Actually Like About Hermitage:
1. Erin
2. Advanced Drama
3. 20th Century Studies
4. My AP stuff is way behind NK so I'm far ahead of the game
5. Subway, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut
6. Senior Courtyard
7. Senior Early Dismissals
That's it.

NKers...you totally need to call me. I'm dying inside without you. Ryan is the only one who makes an effort to call me. I'm tired of coming home and crying. It sucks.

in the moment//frankie j

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