August 29, 2009
by Nathan J. Yoder
Liskula Cohen, a fashion model who is clearly well into her 60s, is the winner of the first place award for Skankiest in NYC. Unfortunately, she is no longer hot, like she may have been back when she was a covergirl. Actually, who am I kidding? This skinny as mega skank was always ugly and must have sucked the dick of every photographer to get her jobs as a covergirl. How else could a filthy, disgusting and foul whore get such jobs?
Notice how totally unpopular and unknown she was until now. This lawsuit exists for the EXCLUSIVE purposes of: A) generating publicity for herself and B) getting revenge for getting butthurt over a random, unknown blogger. It's a new variant of an old form of lawsuit called a CyberSLAPP (
Strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuit. Its purpose is to intimidate people trying to say or do something, not necessarily actually win (i.e. generate "chilling effects"). It's fucking schoolyard antics and thin-skinned tattle talling on something people have a right to say.
There are some other key facts concerning developments with the former model Liskula Cohen:
#1 - In her recent lawsuit, evidence surfaced proving that this skank-among-skanks was licking the sand out of Justice Joan Madden's vagina during the trial.
#2 - Cohen is a psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank.
#3 - Cohen may have been hot 10 years ago, but is it really attractive to watch this old hag straddle dudes in a nightclub or lounge?
More information:
Google reveals blogger's identity after Vogue model's 'skank' insult *These are all opinions.
OKAY, so what is this REALLY about?
An anonymous blogger (now revealed to be Rosemary Port, a 29-year old student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC), using Google's blogger.com service, wrote a post that is very insulting of Liskula Cohen. Until now, no one had really heard of Port's blog, as it's very unpopular and it was taken down after the lawsuit started. I have recycled and partially reworded all of the lawsuit-worthy statements which Port made above for satirical effect.
Cohen sued Google to reveal the blogger's (Port's) identity. After Google received a subpoena, they didn't fight it and instead complied, all the while claiming that they care about privacy and sympathise with "cyberbullying." So much for "doing no evil," but most of us who pay attention have already noted Google quietly pulling shit like this.
Cohen has since filed a $3 million defamation lawsuit against Port for her single blog entry on her very unpopular and unknown blog. Google is being counter-sued for $15 million for not fulfilling their fiduciary duties to fight the lawsuit (Google originally defended her but simply complied instead of appealing) and it's possible Cohen may be sued as well, under anti-SLAPP laws (see
So what were the words that were so horrendous as to warrant breaking anonymity? Port called Cohen the skankiest skan in NYC, with some elaboration on that, including "psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank" and "may have been hot 10 years ago, but is it really attractive to watch this old hag straddle dudes in a nightclub or lounge?" There wasn't much more than that. So basically, she gets her privacy violated and sued for $3 million over someone writing a few sentences elaborating on how Port considers Cohen to be a skank.
While Port's comments were immature and childish they definitely fall under the realm of freedom of speech. It really, really pisses me off that people just let their random emotions get the best of them and use LEGAL BULLYING (i.e. SLAPP lawsuits) to intimidate people and equally emotional judges ruel along with them, without any legal basis or respect for our founding fathers and the long history of freedom of speech that comes from them. For fucks sake, it's just childish name calling from a nobody, which no one even read, and now some litigation happy nitwits are taking advantage.
And some people thought that
the new law illegalizing being annoying on the internet wouldn't be enforced frivolously. We don't yet know if the defamation lawsuit will take advantage of this, but the fact that the courts are taking this seriously is proof that you can succeed in suing people for insulting you over the internet.
Port's claim, which was rejected by Justice Joan Madden, was that blogs "serve as a modern-day forum for conveying personal opinions, including invective and ranting, and should not be treated as factual assertions." Yet another idiot in the system (including all three branches--judicial, legislative, and executive) who doesn't understand modern technology in the slightest. As a rule, technological laws and the courts that enforce them usually take at least 20 years to play catch up with technological trends. This is combined with numerous judges and legislators who will freely manipulate and trample on blatantly on the constitution, ignoring even the most obvious interpretations, in favor of their irrational, knee-jerk reactions.
THANK GOD that Port and her lawyer, Strazzullo, are willing to take this all the way and set good precedent, unlike many people in SLAPP/intimidation lawsuits who cop-out, even when they can afford to fight or can get pro-bono work, resulting in negative precedent being set (like
this or
that; sorry that I can't come up with better examples off the top of my head). Regarding the case, Strazullo said: "I'm ready to take this all the way to the Supreme Court. Our Founding Fathers wrote 'The Federalist Papers' under pseudonyms. Inherent in the First Amendment is the right to speak anonymously."