Jan 24, 2005 09:47
my classes are no different from anyone elses. both awesome and sucky, but that's just the way it is. though i am in an intro to politics class which will hopefully expand my political knowledge. we just started talking about what makes liberal democrats good. next is conservative republicans.
so i'm sure you all got an assload of snow, but did you get about 3 inches of snow, followed by freezing rain, followed by another 9 inches of snow? quite nice having to ice skate along the path to get to sunday brunch. it took us (aimee, her buddy eric, her room mate mel, and myself) for-freakin-ever to walk a 5 minute long path. something like 30 minutes from start to finish.
finally watched this movie "versus" i've had since the start of summer. got it in a mall in pa when i was visitin my college buddy josh. now, i bought 2 movies, but the first one was super bootleg with real crappy dubbed voice acting. this one was much more pleasing to watch. escaped convicts, highered assassins, zombies, eternal life, guns, swords, crazy fights. yeah, rick, you'll love it.
on a note to joe, good thing you didn'r crash your car.
on a note to rick, i'll try to get my burner up and running to send you a copy of this movie.
on a note to hernie, you still owe me christmas dammit!