
Start Winning

Nov 04, 2004 14:11

Politics, ho boy politics.

Everyone's weighing in their opinions, and I don't talk politics very often, so I'm going to take this opportunity to put in my two cents.

This is sort of intended as a sister post to areiser's latest, so go take a look, and if you're bongo, vin, billy, or kev, you may have a chuckle at the not-so-covert inside joke.

Let me start by talking about Reiser, whose name is somewhat synonymous with politics in my mind at this juncture. For starters, we often find ourselves disagreeing about politics on the rare occasions we discuss them, however, as I am nowhere near as informed an individual as he is I often find myself at a loss, much to my annoyance. You see kids, I've been able to do well in school all these years, not due to my keen intellect, though it's damn keen if you ask me, but because I'm a fabulous bullshit artist. If you are unfamiliar with said art form, it's the ability to take relatively minimal knowledge about a topic, and make it seem like you know what you're talking about.

This doesn't fly with Aaron.

My opinions tend to be low key, but that's not to say I don't have them. Aaron knows what he's talking about, pretty much as a rule it would seem, so I end up having to do a lot of research when I talk to him. Now, I was rooting for Kerry, in so much as I wasn't for Bush. Now, there are certainly a lot of bitter folks spewing stuff about how stupid Americans are for electing el Busherino president a second time, and to be fair, I can see where they're coming from. I would imagine there were a large amount of stupid people out there in the polls votin' for him. This is, I think, more a testament to the Bush-Cheney campaign machine more than anything else... they're good at stirring shit up. Hell, there was even a campaign in the ol' belt claiming that Kerry would try to ban the Bible (my source Aaron is, admittedly, the Daily Show, but I checked on it ^_^). Now, while this may account for some things, let me impart a few more words of wisdom. This can account for individuals, or even towns if you like, but if you are going to try and sell me that an entire state, even in the SOUTH (ooooo) is entirely populated by slogan spewing buffoons, you may as well try and get me to take the brooklyn bridge with it. On the same note, I think that people who are voting for Kerry simply because it's in vogue to dislike Bush are in equal need of a reality check.

I'm of the opinion that, while the voter turnout is nice, what we need is not more voters... but more INFORMED voters. Now, I can't stomach politics for the most part, but I've learned as I've gotten slightly more politically inclined that it's knee-jerk politics that I can't stand. Unfortunately, I've found most people I talk to are of the knee-jerk variety, so I keep my opinions to myself, as I'm not particularly interested in defending my views to someone who's not going to listen to them anyhoo. But I'm getting off topic.


Guess what, you're stuck with him for 4 years, so you'd better get used to the idea. And guess what? We're gonna make it through those 4 years just fine. And guess WHAT? Despite what images you may have in your head, the average Bush voter probably has their reservations about the man, but is playing the lesser of two evils game, the same as everyone else. So we'll wait it out and see what happens, it's not inconceivable that something good can come from it if we stop fixating on the negative. Some bad things may happen, and while they may be unpleasant in the short term, the wonderful thing about our governmental system, as Aaron noted, is if something is entirely too intolerable, we're well equipped to rectify the situation. Whine to me when Cheney runs for president.
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