
Dream Theater

Aug 21, 2004 11:45

So, yesterday was my first advanced class at the dojo in 8 years. Now, I don't know how I made this sound in my last post, but the advanced class is where you are when you've finished all the basic stuff. To put things into perspective, you go into the advanced class when you're still a white belt, so it's not like I'm going into the crazy 'kill a man from 50 paces' class or something. That said, it was crazy nonetheless. The biggest upshot I can see is that everyone's an adult (most of the beginners classes are all ages, so I often end up being the only adult) and is serious. Yesterday was just about the hottest day I can remember this summer, and I sweated more than I think I ever have. After class, my gi looked and felt like it had just gone through the wash... though it sure as hell didn't smell like it. Shihan said I should go get a new purple belt, as I am currently the white belt who does all the katas with the high belts, which got some funny looks from people that don't know me. Good stuff, I plan to get my belt and some kumite gear later today.

Okay, I had a dream last night. I imagine I have dreams every night, but for the most part I'm left with a vague memory of them as I wake up and even that vanishes quickly. No, to be truely memorable, the dream must be weird enough to stand out, but make enough sense for it not to veer into true abstraction. So here it is: I'm in some kind of war scenario as far as I can tell. There's some sort of objective I'm trying to protect, and I'm doing my dangdest. As with all these kind of dreams, pulling the trigger on my gun doesn't seem to actually do anything... ever notice how you can't ever throw a punch or use a weapon in a dream where you're fighting for your life... so anyway, my enemies round the corner and it's fucking Alan Alda. I'm playing some kinda war game with Hawkeye. I don't remember most of the details, but we threw a grenade at B.J. while he was in the shower. I need to stop watching M*A*S*H before bed.
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