The Scenic Route chapter 2

Aug 23, 2010 13:38

Title: The Scenic Route
Author: njoyingnsanity
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel, Chuck/Becky
Summary: Sam and Gabriel take the scenic route when it comes to acting on their feeling for one another.
Disclaimer: Once again I broke into his backyard, climbed into his sandbox, and started playing with all of Kripke's pretty toys. Sadly I own nothing.
Notes: quiddative requested this for the Fic Exchange - Gabriel/Sam: Post!Apocalypse. After trapping Lucifer and Michael in hell, Sam and Dean take it upon themselves to clean up the mess. Castiel and Gabriel help out. Gabriel keeps hinting to Sam that he wants their relationship to progress into something more but Sam always pushes him away, believing he doesn't have time for that no matter what he might feel for him, but Gabriel is patient. Eventually, Dean and/or Bobby give Sam a clue-by-four and Sam, realizing that he has no more excuses, gives in. Bonus points for background Dean/Castiel. This chapter turned out to be really long, and Gabriel's kids he had while pretending to be Loki showed up, but we finally get some Sam/Gabriel scenes in this chapter.

Chapter 2

Gabriel had learned from his father that the apocalypse that both heaven and hell had spent so much time and energy planning had ended with a whimper instead of the bang that they’d all been expecting. Sam Winchester much to Gabriel’s dismay had said yes, and then had been able to wrestle control of his body back from Lucifer long enough to jump into the pit, taking Michael with him. His Father noticing a distinct lack of leadership in heaven due to his extended absence, and the fact that three out of four of the archangels were dead, in the pit, or far from stable enough to lead the heavenly host had decided to bring Castiel back as an archangel. Gabriel seeing how things had turned out for Michael and Lucifer, was just glad that the he had finally chosen the right side back at the Elysian Fields Hotel, even if it had temporarily cost him his life just moments later.

It had been Gabriel that God had charged with the task of raising Sam Winchester and Adam Milligen from hell. It had been a far easier task than Gabriel had expected Lucifer had discarded his vessel as he and Michael plummeted through the depths of hell, no longer needing it to fight his brother. Michael too had discarded his vessel, and that’s just how Gabriel had found them. Sam chained to the wrack beside Adam deep in Hell’s pit not far from the cage where his eternally feuding brothers battled each other too busy trying to kill each other to even notice him coming to rescue their vessels.

Gabriel was still haunted by what he had seen, if there was still any question over why manipulating events in order to make Sam and Dean Winchester the perfect vessels was foolishly and fundamentally wrong, then what Gabriel saw down there in the pit should have put the notion to rest. The demons wanted revenge for Sam raining on their little “lets destroy humanity” parade, and the best one they could think of was to torture Sam until he became one of them. Much like they did with Dean they had put Sam on the wrack telling him he could come off of it if he would only pick up the knife, and start carving up Adam.

When Gabriel had arrived, Adam broken by the sight of what the demons were doing to Sam, was actually begging Sam to give in. While Sam all piss and vinegar and Winchester bravado, knowing how long John and Dean had held out in hell, was taunting the demons distracting their attention away from Adam. Sam had learned that by inviting more pain and torture for himself he could spare Adam, the half brother he’d barely gotten the chance to know, as much pain as possible.

“C’mon, that the best you got?” Sam had shouted as a demon reached into his stomach pulling out Sam’s intestines with all the glee of a kitten unraveling a ball of yarn. Adam screamed the kind of hollow, broken cry that can only be managed by the damned, and those who have gone thoroughly mad. A female demon began to laugh, but it died in her throat as she was burned away by Gabriel’s grace as it flared with cold fury and the righteous anger of the archangel of judgment.

There was a reason Gabriel was The Messenger, six hundred wings tends to make one exceptionally swift, and Gabriel wasn’t long in Hell amongst the flames and the cries of the damned. He paused only long enough to draw his blade bringing it down mightily on the chains holding the two youngest of John Winchester’s sons in place. The chains broke rattling to the floor as Gabriel scooped up a Winchester in each arm, and began the long ascent from Hell. Six hundred powerful wings beat rapidly as Gabriel soared upwards towards Earth and freedom, his grace burning bright as the surface of the sun, burning away any demons foolish enough to pursue him and his precious cargo.

Gabriel sighed when he was finally greeted by fresh air and sunshine, he grinned letting out a whoop of victory as he cart-wheeled through the air. He let his wings stretch finding the perfect air current the wind ruffling through his feathers helping him to shed the smell of sulfur still clinging to them. At first Gabriel didn’t even realize where he was taking them, but once he was somewhere out over the North Atlantic it hit him he was heading to his old stomping grounds as Loki. Gabriel danced through storm clouds reveling in feel of the driving rain as it washed the taint of Hell from him and his charges. Soon enough he had made his way to a small island off the coast of Norway touching down on the craggy coast. Gabriel smirked might as well catch up with his kids as he worked to restore Sam and Adam to life. This wasn’t going to be as simple as shoving a soul back in it’s body the way Castiel had done with Dean because both Sam and Adam had fallen bodily into Hell.

“Fenir!” He called, and the enormous form of a wolf dog bounded out of the mists.

“Dad?” the wolf barked.

Gabriel just nodded, and the wolf dog bounded over causing the two souls in Gabriel’s arms to shiver in fear.

“Fenrir wait!” Gabriel shouted, but it was too late he found himself pinned to the ground by his canine son, who was licking his face happily tail wagging like a puppy.

“Fenrir,” Gabriel laughed, “you’re frightening my charges you over grown pup.”

Fenrir backed off finally, noticing the two terrified souls in his father’s arms.

Fenrir whimpered.

“Yes Fen, they are afraid of you they think that you’re a hellhound”

Another whimper, and Fenrir cocked his head to the side in a way that forcibly reminded Gabriel of Castiel, before letting out a bark and a whine.

“You’re right Fen that may just work.”

Fenrir gave a bark of approval, and Gabriel snapped his fingers Fenrir’s image shimmered for a moment before it shrank into the form of a small Jack Russell terrier. Fenrir yipped happily before running over to lick at his father’s face again.

“Yes Fen,” Gabriel smiled, “daddy is glad to see you too.”

“So where are those brothers of yours?” Gabriel asked.

Moments later there was the sound of hoof beats and Sleipnir appeared out of the fog, more dignified than his canine brother, he approached slowly nickering softly as he greeted his father. Gabriel ran his hands through Sleipnir’s mane earning him a contented whinny from the eight legged horse. “Hey Darlin, you’re looking kind of skinny are you eating enough?” he said as he snapped his fingers materializing a carrot which he gave Sleipnir.

Just then the water along the shore began to churn, and up from it’s depths rose the head of a giant serpent.

“Jormungand!” Gabriel said happily, “how you doing kiddo?” The enormous serpent bobbed it’s head in an agreeable manner, and Gabriel smiled.

“Good that’s great! Hey Jor, you wouldn’t happen to know where your sisters are would you?” Gabriel asked

The serpent seemed to nod the affirmative, and disappeared beneath the waves.

Moments later three young women appeared of the beach one with flaming red hair, one with ash blond hair, and the last with long dark hair that hid half of her face. When the wind blew some of it back, it revealed that while half of her face was that of a beautiful young woman, the other half was that of a corpse.

“Eisa” he said to the red head.

“Dad,” she said, giving him a huge hug. We were so worried when Hel said she felt you die, and your spirit didn’t come to her hall, we didn’t know what to think.

“Everything is okay Eisa, you remember me telling you about your grandfather.

“Yes, your creator, the Christian god.”

“He brought me back.”

“Tell him I said thank you then.” Eisa said finally letting him go.

“And who are these two?” Hel asked, pointing at the souls of Sam and Adam.

“Those I could use your help with Hel, do you think you could keep them calm while I recreate their bodies for them?”

“Yes, it should be easy enough. I’ll just have to weave some of my magic around the island.”

“Good that’s great, keeping them calm will really help when it comes time to force their souls back into their bodies.” Gabriel replied.

“Then I shall get to it.” Hel said giving her father a quick hug before disappearing.

“Einmyria come here and give your old man a hug.” he said to the most bashful of his offspring. Einmyria walked over looking hesitantly at the two wounded souls in his arms.

“Will they be alright?” she asked.

Gabriel nodded. “They will be, it’s going to take allot of work to heal them, but yes they are going to be just fine.” Gabriel said as he set to work repairing Adam’s body.

It took hours and Einmyria sat beside her father keeping him company as he began the slow painstaking task of healing what was left Adam’s body. Einmyria told him all the gossip concerning the Norse pantheon, and Gabriel listened with a half grin on his face as she recounted everything he had missed while he’d been dead. When Gabriel was finished restoring the body Gabriel breathed life back into it, forcing the soul to reconnect with the body, while erasing all memories of hell.

“Here watch over him.” Gabriel said, placing the newly resurrected Adam in Einmyria’s arms as he began to work on Sam.

Adam began to stir, and finally his pale blue eyes blinked open to look into the face of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

“Rest now” she said softly, brushing a long strand of ash blond hair out of her amber mixed with hazel eyes. Adam didn’t know where he was, or how he was suddenly alive, but in that moment gazing into her lovely face he found he really didn’t care.

Gabriel glanced over smirking at the instant attraction between his daughter and the youngest of John Winchester’s sons. Thinking to himself, Gabriel decided that with Einmyria around it should be easy to keep the boy quiet and content while he began the tedious work of restoring Sam‘s body.

Suddenly Sleipnir appeared galloping down the beach, Fenrir bounding along behind him barking merrily as he gave chase, while Jormungand used his long tail to send waves of water splashing down on them both. Normally Gabriel would have laughed, heck he would even have joined in, but he really needed his concentration at the moment so he yelled.

“Hey Eisa, can you take your brothers to play on the other side of the island, please Sweetie?”

Eisa just grinned “Hey dumb and dumber catch me if you can!” she yelled at her brothers, already running towards the opposite side of the island. Sleipnir and Fenrir took off following her in hot pursuit, while Jormungand slipped beneath the waves no doubt planning on drenching her with a sneak attack. Gabriel smiled as he watched his kids antics grateful to be able to enjoy his family again.

Gabriel went back to his work taking special care as he mended Sam’s broken and abused body. Gabriel stopped for a moment studying the sigils Castiel had carved into Sam’s ribs. He had to admit his little brother was clever, he’d thought of nearly everything, but Gabriel was privy to a few sigils that only the original four archangels knew, and he added a few of those as an extra measure of protection. Gabriel had erased most of the evidence of the hazardous lifestyle of a hunter, the only reminder Gabriel allowed to mar the brand new perfection of Sam’s skin was the anti possession tattoo, something Gabriel deemed too important to Sam’s safety to erase. Instead he added another subtle layer of protection to it. Invisible to the human eye, but shining like a beacon to all things supernatural be they angels, demons, or anything in between, was the intricate pattern of lilies surrounding the trumpet that now rested at the center of the pentacle tattoo. It was basically a warning, stating that this human is under the direct protection of The Archangel Gabriel, attempt to harm him at your own peril.

Gabriel took a long moment to study his handiwork everything was just as he remembered it. Sam’s long, lean, well muscled body, his youthful face, and his shaggy mop of longish brown hair were exactly as Gabriel remembered them. Gabriel glanced over to notice Einmyria had taken Adam down the beach a bit, the two were walking were the sand met the surf, examining various seashells that had washed up along the shore. Glad for the opportunity for some privacy, Gabriel leaned over cupping Sam’s head gently between his hands, thumbs resting on either side of his forehead willing away all memory of Hell and the tortures he’d endured there. Next he bent down and instead of merrily breathing life back into Sam the way he had done with Adam, Gabriel leaned in kissing Sam’s lips as he willed the life back into him.

Sam awoke to the feel of firm lips pressed hungrily against his demanding some kind of response, as the mouth pressed intimately against his urgently deepened the kiss sending sparks of soul awakening ecstasy singing through his veins. To say he was surprised was an understatement, the last thing Sam remembered was opening his arms wide and allowing himself to freefall into the pit, then nothing. It took him a moment to register the fact that his lungs weren’t beginning to burn with the need to draw a breath. Panicked, Sam pushed at the body above his as a million different questions raced through his mind only to find that, although the body above him seemed much smaller than his own, it was as impossibly strong. Whoever it was broke the kiss, and Sam found himself taking deep gulping breaths of fresh air as he gazed up into familiar hazel eyes.

“Gabriel?” he gasped.

“Hey Sammy.” Gabriel said a wide, genuine smile spreading across his expressive face.

“Gabriel.” Sam repeated dumbfounded. What was going on? Gabriel had died back at the Elysian Fields Hotel, and Sam was pretty sure that he’d died too considering the last thing he remembered was falling into the pit. So how where they here, and where the heck was here anyways?
“To quote Cas.” Gabriel says smirking, “I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”

“Gripped or groped?” Sam asked. “Considering the fact that you just kissed me, and dude what the hell was that about?”

“Well I did just have to breath the breath of life back into you, after putting your body back together, so a little thanks would be nice, I mean if it’s not too much for you.” Gabriel snapped.

“Look, I’m sorry okay, and I’m very grateful to you for pulling me out of hell. I just didn’t know reviving me involved trying to push my soul back into my body with your tongue.” Sam said holding up his hands in surrender, as he shot Gabriel an annoyed look.

“Yeah but you liked it,” Gabriel said raising and eyebrow, “and don’t even try to deny it.” he added “Because hello archangel, I can read your mind like reading a book, even if the print is a bit smaller than normal with you Winchesters.”

Sam blushed furiously as he tried to deny the fact, an act that may have been allot easier had Gabriel not been practically draped over him, while he was sporting a raging hard-on. Finally in a desperate attempt to steer the conversation elsewhere Sam asked.

“So were you really dead, or was it a trick?”

“I was really dead.” Gabriel answered solemnly. “Dad brought me back.”

Sam nodded, understanding how personal the topic might be for Gabriel. “Um Gabriel, could you maybe, let me up?” he asked.

Oh yeah, sure. Sorry about that.” Gabriel said backing up quickly so that he could help pull Sam to his feet. Sam had the fleeting impression that if archangels could blush Gabriel would be the shade of a beet at the moment.

Deciding to break the tension he asked. “So where are we exactly?”

“Somewhere of the coast of Norway, it’s a little island where me and the kids like to hang out.”

“The kids?” Sam asked his voice squeaking a little as he remembered that Gabriel was Loki, and that according to one his college courses Loki had several children one of them being a huge wolf, another the Norse goddess of the underworld, another that was an enormous snake. And wasn’t Loki have supposed to have given birth to an eight-legged horse.

“Yes kids.” Gabriel said a hint of pride coloring his voice.

“So the legends are true then, you actually gave birth to an eight-legged horse.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “So I was kind of still new to the whole trickster gig, and one of my tricks may have backfired on me a little, but you know in the end it worked out for the best Sleipnir’s a great kid.”
“So how many kids do you have exactly?” Sam asked.

Exactly I’m not sure I may have a few running around that I’m not aware of, but the ones I know about are Sleipnir by the horse Svaldifari, Eisa and Einmyria my daughter’s by Glut, then Fenrir, Jormungand and Hel by Angrboda, and finally Sigyn and I had Narvi and Vali he said sadly. Remembering the story from his class Sam didn’t push Gabriel for any further information on his two ill-fated sons.

“Wow, that’s quite a brood.” Sam says.

“Yeah, I guess may have been something of a ladies man once I actually figured out how much fun sex could be.”

Sam just chuckled.

“So I guess you’re probably wanting me to take you and Adam to see Dean now, let him know your out so he can quitting attempting to live the apple pie life with Lisa.”

“Adam’s here, you got him out too?” Sam asked.

“Yep,” said Gabriel pointing down the beach to where Adam and Einmyria were playfully splashing through the surf. “looks like my little girl, and your little brother have made a love connection.”

Sam smiled. “Adam deserves to be happy.”

“So are you ready for me to zap you to where Dean’s at, or would you rather go to Bobby’s at first?”

“Um actually neither,” said Sam, “I mean as much as I may want to see Dean he deserves to have a chance to live a normal life.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes heavenward, muttering something in a language Sam didn’t recognize, but the gesture was familiar enough that Sam assumed Gabriel was asking his Father for patience. Gabriel looked back at him fixing him with a penetrating gaze. “What about you Sammy, when is it your turn to be happy, when do you get what you deserve?”

“When do I get what I deserve?” Sam asked incredulously. “Gabriel I don’t deserve to have been pulled out of the pit after what I did, just being alive is far more than I deserve. All that I can ask for is to be allowed the chance to try to redeem myself, just a little bit, I know I’ll never be good enough to be forgiven for the whole letting Lucifer out of his cage thing, but I can still try.”

“Sam,” Gabriel said reaching out to shake some sense into the young man. “my Father has forgiven you please don’t waste this opportunity he’s given you by not being able to forgive yourself.”

“No Gabriel just no.”

“Why Sam, why does it make sense to punish yourself for something you were manipulated into doing?”

“Because damn it Gabriel, almost ending the world isn’t something you can just say “Oops my bad” to and expect everything to just be forgiven.”

“Why not?”

“Because sorry doesn’t cover it Gabriel, people died and it was all my fault.”

So making yourself miserable is going to make it better? You know penance is a human concept, forgiveness is my Father’s, in fact it’s his specialty.”

“Why is this so important to you Gabriel?”

“I don’t know maybe because I like you Sam, or maybe because I actually care about you and want to see you happy.”

“How could you care about me you being what you are, and me being an abomination.”

“Sam in case you missed the memo I haven’t exactly been the holiest of archangels in a very long time, and my Father forgave me. Why is so hard for you to believe he could feel the same way about you when you’ve been manipulated since before you were even born? Look at me Sam,” Gabriel demanded, “Everything I’ve done, all the people I killed over the years as Loki, I did with a smile on my face knowing damn well what I was doing was wrong. If you’re an abomination then so am I.”

“I was Lucifer’s vessel!” Sam shouted.

“And I’m his brother.” Gabriel shot back.

“Just leave me alone damn it.” Sam said as he stormed off down the beach.

“This is going to be harder than I thought.” Gabriel said to himself as he watched Sam walk away.

het, castiel, chuck/becky, sam/gabriel, nc17, gabriel, fic, adam/einmyria, slash, supernatural, dean, norse mythology, supernatural sam/gabe, dean/castiel

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