Nov 29, 2006 22:01
Since I ve last updated I ve been to Paris, moved to Edinburgh, started uni and got crunked on a regular basis, even getting chucked out of Justice in Caberet Voltaire for being too rowdy but personally i think Edinburgh bouncers don't have a sense of humour.Wasn't laughing either as all the boys had come through to see us and I end up getting papped.Art school is so good, i love it so much.Every day we do something different and I pretty much love it all. You heavy get to do whatever you want as well:Im jewellery i made a three fingered knuckleduster for example haha. Everyone is so fresh as well, been getting some proper good banter with all these folks with funny accents, singing avec casio keyboards, having races with dudes on our backs, fuckin food fights, sitting in canoes strapped to the tops of cars and dressing up ALL the time. Miss the team though so Christmas is going to be fucking super!!!! WAgjJ X