Aug 07, 2009 02:53
Ookay. So I saw it. Was it a complete train-wreck? No. It was a big, dumb, cheesy, loud summer action movie. But I actually liked it okay. I didn't love it, didn't think it was fucking awesome.
But for a movie I've been kicking for a year and a half along with pretty much everyone else in the geek community, going in READY to hate it...even WANTING to hate it...I came out pleasantly surprised.
Snake-Eyes' mouth? Still horrible. Cobra Commander's design? Sucks. But the accelerator suits were only in that one over-exposed scene, Marlon's actually kept fairly low-key so he's only annoying every now-and-then. Baroness's character was totally fucked (but oh-so-hot). But the advanced Joe-only weaponry? Damn cool. The vehicles and tech? Pretty sweet.
But it was actually really fun. It keeps a helluva pace. There's hardly a bit of slow down. They don't bother explaining "why." The flashbacks and origin stories are clear enough that you get the point, but not so long that you're dying for the scene to change. Why do Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes hate each other? *3-minute flashback scene* AH! Got it. There's no character development, nothing deep here (althought there is a training MONTAAAAAGE!). Just rests between big huge action scenes. And those it's got in spades, and they're pretty damn cool. These guys are pretty much just action figures, out there to amuse who's playing with 'em.
Was it a good summer blow-shit-up popcorn flick? Yes.
Was it a good GI Joe flick? Kinda
Do I feel like it raped my childhood? No.
Do I want to see what they do with the next one? I'm very intrigued.
And for a Stephen Sommers flick, it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Van Helsing. LOL