Walking to the Bus After the Party

Sep 23, 2006 12:01

* Njoki is here! And IC! And, umm, outside.

* Henry is trying not to be annoyed by what he considered a lack of activity at the party. He looks to 'Ki and says, "Somehow I doubt you were expecting all that when you got to Liz's house."

Njoki: "No, not quite what I'd thought." A little shrug. What can you do, eh? "S'my first party-like thing."

* Henry nods. "I've only done that once before. Much less people, so there was a greater chance it'd land on everyone." He sighs, looking up at the sky while he walks.

Njoki: "It seemed to like me at first, so that was --*snort*-- awkward." Still, there weren't any horrified screaming fits over her scars, so that ws nice.

Henry: "Yeah. Last time it was me and Murdoc." He smirks, shaking his head. "THAT was awkward." A pause, and then a curious tone. "What were you over here for, anyway? If you don't mind my asking."

Njoki: "I'd been out of town for a couple weeks, my Aunt was sick. I'd never been invited before and, well, I figured I should try it. See what it was about." And see if she had any hope of fitting in with humans.

Henry: "Ah. I see. Well, sorry that was your introduction to it. It might've been better if it was a 'hanging out and watching movies' sort of thing. I don't know where Liz got on this 'alcohol and making out' kick." He blows up at his nearly non-existent hair in a sort of overdramatic sigh.

Njoki: "Not really my, ah, the word. My 'thing'." Another shrug. "Still, never let them see you're scared." It's true -- she didn't flinch even with Spider.

* Henry shrugs back. There is mutual shrugging. "To be honest? It's not mine, either. I don't care for most of that. But I had to see what was going on." And pull together possible evidence for later, but he's not talking to anyone about that quite yet.

Njoki: "Yeah, I get that. Sometimes I really want to be a 'normal' kid here, you know? But then, I see what the 'normal' kids do and it's not for me." Wuffle. Wuffle and bitchcakes. "It must be really late to get me to run on at the mouth like this. Sorry, Henry."

Henry: He shakes his head and waves a hand in front of him. "No, don't worry about it. You're hardly rambling, or anything. You should see me when I get going. But yes, I really do get that. Normal's just not any good anymore." He shrugs.

* Njoki has arrived at the bus stop. "Is this one of these stupid growing up things? Where nothing, ah, dammit, nothing 'locks'? 'Fits'?" Ah well, why worry? "I should be fine to wait here until the bus comes. Will you be able to get home safe?"

Henry: "Oh, yeah. I'll be fine." He is completely unworried. "And I don't know if it's a growing up thing or just a general thing. I bet some people never get it. " He gives 'Ki a small wave and says, "All right. Guess I'll head home. Hope you have a good-" He looks at his non-existent watch. "-heh, morning. See ya, 'Ki." And he's off! His hands are in his pockets as he walks away.

* Njoki waves to Henry and spots the headlights of the bus. "Bye, Henry. Take care."

private, scene

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