Pixels of Life

Feb 10, 2004 21:38

I heard some commercial on the radio today at work about the Harlem Globetrotters globetrottin' the shit outta the globe again with all their crazy antics. It reminded me of the NES game and how it indeed is one of the greatest things in the world. Just for the title screen. I wasn't able to find any screenshots of it but it's this black guy just staring at you like taking up most of the screen and at certain times he just like looks at the screen in a really funny way like smiling..or smiling a real lot. It's one of the things I live for. Someone please find screenshots and post it as a comment so everyone can see it. Or else I'll have to take my own screenshots of it.

The game is so intense though. Sick engine to it...

Nothing can ever be as needed in the world and influential on things, such as my life though as the Godfather of Gore, Macabre and Obscenity. Ladies and gentleman...Raise your fist and show me your gore...


Here's one of Shawna after she killed the shit out of me with her dripping knife of death and stuff(kinda just fits in with the subject)....


I was watching some footage of the Grammies today that my mom recorded and wanted to see. Great how the White Stripes guy fucked up bad in the first verse. That band is like innovative but they're so bad of musicians. The chic drummer..yeah it's cool that she's a chic drummer and stuff but why does she have to suck real bad at the drums? And the guy..he's playing real easy crap all the time then puts on the finger slider and a new age effect and hits a couple notes and the crowd thinks he's fukin Slash. It was funny when Evanescense beat out fiddy in one of the times he got beat out. It's funny, my mom like loves that band and has the cd and stuff. Even my dad likes them. Fiddy's like already gotten fifty grammies for the same album though so what more can he expect. I mean it's almost as bad as Kid Rock still living off of Bewitaba. haha. Even played it at the superbowl. haha. There's a lot of other weird and nuts events that happened in it like them messing up Celine Dion's performance but then again, I'm not making this a Grammies entry.

I was hoping to get Sarah's letter in the mail today but I guess it didn't come yet...or else she really did steal it out of my mailbox after our argument yesterday. Here's a pic of us at applebees...bringing being cheap to the next level of dining. I mean we take advantage of free stuff way too much. At Applesleaze I bring water bottles and fill them with drinks and stuff...Pete would ask for extra lemons and squeeze them in the water and add sugar and make free lemonade. But this time it was too much....we brought Iced Tea mix with us and made iced tea out of our free water. In attendance it was me, Pete, Adam, Lee, Denoia and Shields. It was free as hell.

Here's a pic today of me by some stocker...

I can't wait til my money gets to the high savings point again because my modification list is pretty packed.

I should've disconnected my sway-bars and took some pics flexing on his frame but then I realized there was a piece of livestock in the bck of his XJ and it probably would've been pissed...


So what else has been going on in my life,...Writing a lot of brutal music..thinking of weird shit…problems with girls. The best news rules though and I’ll probably write an entry about it tomorrow. Well really it’s just that the Phantasmagoric Society is starting the new Season starting this weekend. It’s the best thing to look forward to though. I’ll probably do an entry on the place we’re revisiting. Alright, well it’s been real!
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