Oct 25, 2003 23:40
Last nite was a fun nite with the weiner brigade. At one point during the night we were going to do a scavenger hunt but then made it just into a contest. There were three groups and we went off for an hour and a half or so and the group that could score the most random chics screenames and/or digi were the winners and would be crowned the best at life for the nite. So my group won big time. We had ten. Keep in mind this was really late and going into the morning so it was harder to find them. But we pulled it off in all it's awkardness and confronted. And got the response we needed. ha we would've had one more point but at one place out of the two girls we found one only gave their info to us, just because Berube totally freaked this girl out. Exact words from her mouth...."No, you scare me."(referring ONLY at berube)
I also had to create my character for the Sims at Mullaney's house. It's pretty deep stuff. I might have to get it. Just for being such a real-time adventure of action and morality. It was tough though to get someone to look like me as far as being a skinhead. Every face to choose from that is has wicked nasty beards. And with the other methods of overdubbing and stuff it would make it look like my shaved head was still in pompador form.
I also went to fright fest for a couple hours tonite. It was pretty fun, although we didn't get to do all the things. "All the things" being the halloween stuff like hayride and walkthroughs and stuff. Since I'm too much of a pussy to go on any of the rides. Well no not that, I've gone on some and stuff but when it comes down to it....there's just cooler ways to have fun than roller coasters. I mean there's really not a lot of fun at all about getting whiplash and that weird feeling in your dick and midsection. Yeah. I've definitely had better fun. I'm like two scared to go on the Runaway Train now because of the last two dips at the end over the lake. It ruins everything. Fright Fest in general was getting pretty explicit though. Definitely too crazy for the younger crowd, how you just walk into people that go nuts with chainsaws and stuff out of nowhere walking around in the crowd. Like, people were actually screaming and running at times. One of the funniest things in the world, this dude we bought our food from messed up our order for about an hour. Seriously it was just like ungodly watching this guy try to get the order ready, giving everything wrong. And giving orders which were totally unheard by the rest of the crew. You would've had to be there. I can't even talk about it.
Oh and another general life tip/observation: If you didn't know, which you probably do know, don't put candy wrapper in microwaves. I put this fast break bar in the microwave at our work for ten seconds just to make it be not frozen because it was in the fridge for five hours. At exactly second two I heard this little sparking explosion and saw sparks flying. I opened the thing up and it was smoking a little and the wrapper was totally mutilated with holes and cracks all over it. I ate it and it was completely gross. I could taste the explosion pretty much. A smoky, liquified electical explosion sensation. Heyyy litttle boyy, want some candy?!
So yeah I felt good today guys. When I was on my way to work going down this set of steps outside there were these two youngins were out struggling severely each trying to carry a bikish-object of the stairs. So I was all like "Hey want me to help out with that." And they were all like "Who the fuck are you?" And I was all like "This is Glass, recognize!" and so I took their bikes one in each hand and carried them up the staircase as they watched in awe and honor and thanked me. It was a good feeling...what it's all about.