Jan 08, 2005 07:54
So like my friend stephen did I wanted to put together a favorite movie and cd list...however I am gunna put my spin on it and make it a hell of a lot shorter.
TOP MOVIES, because I can only think of 3:
1. Garden State
2. Napolean Dynomite
3. Dodgeball...i liked it so piss off.
TOP CD's (that I got this year):
1. Fear Before the March of Flames -- "Odd How People Shake"
2. Taking Back Sunday -- "Where You Want to Be"
3. Straylight Run (pretty sure it's self titled).
4. The Dillinger Escape Plan -- "Calculating Infinity"
5. My Chemical Romance -- "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
6. Fear Before the March of Flames -- "Art Damage".
7. The Blood Brothers -- "Burn, Piano Island, Burn" (after a hating it at first).
8. There are probablly a lot more from earlier in 2004, but I can't think of any so this is where the list ends
My trip to disney was awesome...I met EEyore and Mickey and Pluto and a bunch of others. It was a pretty great, and so freaking warm...like two days it was 80...btw it sucks to be back in the cold.