May 23, 2005 08:39
Hello there. I'm in Internet, right now. I'm done with my project, soo I'm just kinda hanging out. This weekend was a good time. Friday, we had our game and we lost. But I really don't feel like talking about that! After, I went w/my mom and Luke to Mickey D's. Then, we went to my house and watched Animel Planet and I fell asleep. Saturday morning, Luke slept for like an hour after me, so I got up and just hung out. Then, we ate and I cleaned my room. We then went to Luke's house and I took a shower and then we headed to Applebee's w/his mom and sister. We all ate and then took TrEy to the Lower Harbor Park. Luke and I were like, having more fun than all of the little kids there! :) Once we left there, Luke and I went to take some pictures for his work and ran to Green's, but they were closed. We got back to his house and just hung out until 9:00, when we went and saw "Monster In Law." It was HILARIOUS! :) I definantly recommend that one! When we got to Luke's, we hung out and weird.. I fell asleep. lol, Luke eventually woke me up and we went up to bed. Sunday, I again got up an hour before Luke. I ate some chips for breakfast, haha, and then he got up and we watched some "Full House" for awhile. Around 1:30, we went to the Legion game. We basically sat around all day. Around 6:30, we went and took a sauna w/Siiri and Billy. Then I went home.. Luke's picking me up from work today.. :) Love YoU, BABE! :)