Nov 22, 2006 21:30
twas the night before thanksgiving, and all through my house...
god damn it!!! i can't even hear myself think!
anyhoo, my house is jam packed with people.
i'm glad there here, but i'm also glad that i'm getting away from them
tomorrow. i can't wait to work, it's the only thing i find comfort in...
that and sleeping =)
speaking of work, nancy is going to hire this one lady who owns a coffee plantation farm
in hawaii... as as shift supervisor!
ah, hell naw! i was about to get ghetto on her ass when i found that out!
i've been working there for almost 8 months and i've been busting my ass
to get that position from day one, and now she gonna give it to this one lady!
she may own a coffee farm, but she only going to work there to steal ideas from sbux!!!
that makes me soooo mad. i told krista that i had no interest in being a shift anymore.
so now krista is trying to talk to nancy about promoting "someone else" as shift.
i love krista, but i'm not going to be over looked. it's not fair to me or anyone else who has been working there and knows the company.
speaking of krista, she called me... twice. she asked me to come into work today, i said no.
i need money, but i'm not going to be used and over looked. i've stood my ground, end of story.
well i'm off, i open and close the store tomorrow. 6:30am-3:30pm
marissa, daniel, laura, and i.