Aug 13, 2003 21:31
It's funny. When you've traveled so much and met so many different people and it finally comes to you years later that it's far easier to hurt someone than to make them happy. Alright. That's a lie. I've known that for years. I've just never really given it as much thought as I have as of late. It just seems to me that people hurt themselves and others all too much. It's rather upsetting to see and even more upsetting to have happen to you.
My point?
Don't have one. It's a statement. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just a simple statement.
Jumping tracks to an unrelated topic, I managed to finish the tie that I'd been working on for.. I think it's a week and a half now. It's six-in-one weave tie with a dragonscale knot. It looks rather neat. Now, if only I had something to take pictures of it with.