So, at the prompting of a friend whom shall remain un-named, but knows
who she is and will more than likely respond just to be cheeky I'm
updating, BUT with an important annoucement! My bluffing skill has gone
up by several ranks! Yes, your happy ever-so-cheerful armourer
apparently can bluff to a newbie about being from Europe AND loathing
am.. wait. I do loathe americans. Well, with that said. I'd like to
tell you a story about the little newbie who couldn't argue his way out
of a paper bag.. and should never be allowed to use the copy and paste
It all began about... well, about ten minutes ago when I was happily
going about my buisiness in Droknar's Forge, milling around, chatting
with the other personage when he who shall be known as *checks message
log* First Quinsius decided to be an idiot. Not only an idiot, a greedy
idiot. "wtsstormbow poissen + health +20 15-27 bidding start 45k" he
came onto the local chat, displaying his oh-so talented typing skills.
Being the type who doesn't enjoy seeing people get HORRIBLY and
blatantly ripped off by a jerk ass like this I felt it would be
entertaining to point out how sorely mistaken he is for selling a bow
for such a high price. So, being the ever sarcastic bastard I am, I
simply reply with "I'll give you FIVE gold for that! Because my ranger
has better! =P" And so.. Began his reign of lousy english. Would likely
be easier for me to just copy and paste the bloody text.. But I don't
think any of you feel like trying to decipher his strange and..
different language.
So, naturally he assumes I'm a new player.. With a level 20... Most of
the way through the game. Right. Sound logic right there. "u dont even
have 45 k move along" "foll" Not looking to BUY said bow. Looking to
drill into his head - it isn't worth 45k. Thinking he was the standard
run of the mill
sort of child. A mostly right assumption, but no. He's stupider.
Standard way of dealing with such a newbie. Fact of the matterly state
his bow isn't worth that much and better bows do exist and don't even
cost 45k... But in a much simpler and brutish way he'll understand.
Though probably not the best approach I'll admit.
Me: "I have a better bow. Fool. That thin's worth 2k. Maybe. MAYBE."
First Quinsius: "and u dont think i have"
Me: "Mine's at LEAST max damage. lmao"
First Quinsius: "i sell this guz i have lots of good ones"
Me: "Sure you do!"
First Quinsius: "noooooooooooooobbbbbbbbbbbb"
Well, suffice to say, he's shown himself to have less than subpar
intelligence.A dog could out smart him. Realising him to be a
stereotypical troll (yeah, I know, don't feed the trolls.. but it's so
much fun to tease them!) I use the only thing that'll get through his
head. "American." This rose a response from him RIGHT quick.
First Quinsius: "u r a desgrace for europe move on ashole"
Me: "How's that?"
Alright. Duh. I'm not European, but he's probably stupid enough to THINK I am.
Me: "C'mon, I'm waiting."
First Quinsius: "keep fighting for america or for korea"
Right... So now someone on a European district who can only change
districts four more times to either america.. or.. AMERICA is going to
"fight" for Korea or america. Great logic right there!
Me: "And again, I ask. How?"
First Quinsius: "big mouth ur people"
Me: "That made no sense. Try using proper english, child."
So, taking the obvious turn for the worse, this has gone from how I
think his bow isn't worth 45k gold to... Insult hurling. Him armed with
naught but a butter knife's hilt.. thingy against some bigger much
nastier and angrier weapon.. We'll say a salmon, because as we all
know, cornobbling wins all!
So... after much spamming my chat window with his inane bad english and
"fock off" as he doesn't realise you can indeed turn off the filters on
Guild Wars..
First Quinsius: "fock off"
First Quinsius: "so u can read"
First Quinsius: "hahahaa"
Wow. Witty. Like... Well, I'm not really sure to be quite honest.
More inane babble and me insulting his english later..
First Quinsius: "and I wright the dirty word wrong so u can read it u nooooob"
Yes! Because he has wit is razor sharp like safety scissors!
First Quinsius: "fuck"
First Quinsius: "is"
First Quinsius: "fock"
Right-o. Because my grasp of the english language is so incomplete I can't figure out when someone is insulting me.
More spam because he loves to abuse the copy and paste command..
First Quinsius: "how old r u ?"
Me: "22. Thanks."
First Quinsius: "im a dutchman"
First Quinsius: "and 24"
Me: "That's nice. I fail to believe you."
Alright, everything aside he very well could be as there ARE jerks all
over this planet... But need they gravitate towards me... Anyhow.
A few more lines of spam then the golden moment, showing that the troll
has given up because he's either too stupid to respond, thinks he's
superior or is just thinking I'm a fucking moron - which all of the
above are likely true.
Player First Quinsius is ignoring you.
Victory is mine! So, this has been a wonderful start to my day.. Now to go find food.