Title: The Lost Art of Listening
Pairing: Jaesu
Rating: PG
Summary: Jaejoong watches as little specks of soft whit melt into Junsu’s happy, up turned smile.
Note: Taken from the DBSK generator prompt at the suggestion of
night_inscriber . “Lost art of listening” and Jaesu was the prompt. Soon to be posted elsewhere.
“Why is the sunroof open, Junsu?”
Small twinkling snowflakes flutter onto leather interior; a car sloshes pass them. Jaejoong glances at the boy in the passenger seat. Junsu, with his head lulled back on the head rest, face looking through the sunroof toward the sky. He’s bright, radiant, tan and young; innocent. Jaejoong’s breath hitches as his glance turns into a full on stare.
“Hyung, lean over so you can feel them.”
He is always like that, Junsu. Always doing weird shit, saying weird things.
“I’d much rather-“
“Listen, hyung. The trees…”
A sudden gust of wind blows through naked, but snow tipped trees, sending more snow into the sunroof. Jaejoong watches as little specks of soft white melt into Junsu’s happy, up-turned smile. He hums a melody to the beat of trees swaying in the winter wind, and as abstract as it sounds, Jaejoong firmly believes it’s the most gorgeous, enthralling melody.