HP Worldwide Holiday!

Mar 02, 2007 12:34

As we all know the end is new for the adventures of Harry Potter, his pals and enemies. Now there's a move afoot to create a day to honor Harry called ... International Harry Potter Day.

The Web site to gather signatures is up and running. Tommy, who is about to graduate from college in Utah, put together a Harry Potter Holiday patition website.

His goal is to gather a million signatures by the time the time "Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows" is released on July 21.

In his explanation he writes that once he receives 10,000 signatures from any country, he will forward the petition to that nation's leaders.

Once you sign up and your email is confirmed, Tommy gives you a personal pixel so you can be part of a mural celebrating the success of Harry Potter.

You even have a chance to write a message about Harry Potter Day.

And why not have a Harry Potter Day? It could be larger than just Harry. It could be a celebration of literacy around the world, a chance to pause and remember just how much the right book can catch a child's imagination and encourage them to read.

That's more than a celebration of a single character and a single series or even a single author's success. That's a celebration of reading and the worlds it opens.

so goto http://www.harrypotterholiday.com and sign the patition!!! Also feel free to pimp this info .. imagine if we got the entire HP LJ Fandom to sign it, how "Bloody Brilliant" would that be! ;)
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