Nov 14, 2006 15:56
seriously. i'm asking this and really looking for an answer.
i've realized that all my past friendships began through either work or some similar association like school/class or friend-of-a-friend. now that i work from my work connections. i don't spend a lot of time out and few opportunities to really meet new people.
now i'm not playing the "woe is me" role here...i know i've made a conscious decision to NOT make an effort to make friends out here in AZ (mostly because my "batting average" to so low when it comes to finding people like mandy). but now i'm realizing that i need to get over that and find someone that i can go out with if only to get out of my own head and have some social interaction beyond my husband and my dog.
so there's a chick at the vet's office that seems pretty cool and tolerable up to this point. i only have reason to run into her when i take the dog to the vet, which isn't very regularly (thank goodness, he's a healthy dog). so i'm curious as to how i actually go about starting up a friendship with her without coming off like a) i'm hitting on her or b) i'm completely desperate and/or stalker-ish.
any thoughts? should i call her up/stop by to chat with her at the vet's office? and say what?
i hate this.