Jan 18, 2008 12:22
Sooo.. my dream last night. (I honestly have the weirdest craziest dreams so I decided to start writing them down. I have no idea what this one meant at all and I want to document it!)
Ok so my mom took me on vacation (in my dream) and we were in the middle of this beautiful ocean (think really clear/blue water) and the sun was shining and we were at this fun house thing in the middle of nowhere. This funhouse was right on top of the water; there was a concrete building with stuff inside (I didn't go in there) and this huuuuuge blow up mattress type thing outside on top of the water. You could jump off of something and pretty much splat onto the thing. So I was doing that and it was so fun =) THEN I see this 500 pound woman.. and I'm like.. MOM.. she's not gonna jump on this thing right.. because it's deffffffinitely gonna bust. And my mom's like.. no Nikki.. it won't bust because its really strong.
So this huge lady jumps onto the blow up mattress and it BUSTS! I'm like.. fuuuuck and there's a huge vacuum/wave created by this and everyone starts screaming and gets sucked towards this concrete wall really quickly but me and my mom start swimming downwards to get away from the wave and we get on these stairs and everyone's fighting and shit.. I definitely pushed some people lol. Then we start swimming to shore.. which was really far. We get close enough to where we can stand and then the water from that point to the shore was grey and on the other side of the grey water there was a huge stone stair case and an exit sign (think legends of the hidden temple style). But my mom's like.. we can't swim through there.. it's the manatee water.
So we see this huge wolf/bear looking thing (think lord of the rings creature) and it looked friendly at first.. and my mom says.. maybe we can ride that thing through the manatee water to the exit. Then this creature looks at us and growls.. and everyone starts running the other direction (towards another shore where there was just woods and forrest). That thing is just growling still and it's echoing all through the woods. My mom transforms into Eli without me even noticing (ya know.. because dreams can do that). And we walk through the woods and find a gift shop.. that leads into the entrance of this place I guess. There are people at the front desk yelling saying they want their money back because it was so dangerous and (someone died at the water ride). Me and Eli are just like.. let's get the fuck outta here.. we walk out of "the ride" and we're in Universal Studios.. and we see the Star Wars ride. Eli says... wanna go on the star wars ride.. and I'm like... yeah.
Then I woke up.