bored outta my mind..i need a real update!

Mar 09, 2006 21:26

School: gonna fail science..i cant keep up with him cause i cant spell..he says all these big words that i have to think about to spell then im still trying to figure out that one word and he has already said about to more paragraphs that we have to write down and he doesnt try to make them simple where dummies like me can understand..he uses his only little science lingo..gah! gets on my nerves..i made a 65 on a test today in there...=\ great aint it..ah well..the rest of my classes are doin ok i guess..and we have this big thing coming up for ccms where abunch of important ppl are coming and news center 5 and everything and i think all im doing is singing the national anthem with hayley and lauren which isnt getting off the hook entirely but its better that interveiwing these i think thats about it for school..

Softball: Haha lets jus say we dont have the swiftes people on our team..but ill start from the begining..well we started off like we always two laps the strech and throw..well after that we had to get down on our knees and get all the rocks off the after that we went off to our hitting and haley we're partners like we went to the sit up and the wrist thingy that is made out of a broken broom handle and some rope and a weight thingy..i call it the ghetto wrist anyways we did that..haha had a talk about things..and then came to the little pitching machine thingy..and its really hard to do..but while i was doing it..she said yano i got hit with one of these balls and and it didnt really hurt..and i was like ok i wanna see if it hurts so i turned my back to the didnt really pitch them fast and they were jus those little tiny whiffle balls so i jus stood there and the wind was crazy today! so everytime the ball would come at me it would get cought in the wind and fly up so i said crap! ok im gonna stand right in front of this stupid thing! so i did and i thougth it was gonna hit me in the back or the butt or something...haha hit me right in the back of the head! we started dying laughing and bout peed on ourselves! haha i guess it was jus one of those moments that you had to be there for it to be it was..anyway got done with that and a bunch of other funny stuff happen that i dont wanna get into cause it would ne to long but anyway..i had to run ten mins. around the football field cause i missed practice yesterday..haha you can imagine how much fun i was after that i found out there was a varsity baseball game so me and hannah went up there after was sooo cold and i had worn shorts to practice and i didnt go home so i was in shorts! so there i was all curled up on the bleachers..with my arms around my legs then i finally got my legs warm and where i had my legs up like that my butt got cold so..i was cold no matter what i my butt when numb and my foot fell asleep! i hate that soo bad..anyway i was glad to get im my house and get

The Fam: Blah blah blah its all good..

The Guy: =] for those of you who know my situation..haha yea thats why thats all i

Well i guess thats it..hopefully i can give a real update about my weekend that will be more interesting...

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