Update at NicoleCadet.com - Copied from my newsletter

Mar 01, 2008 10:15

Hi all!

Well it's been some time since I've updated my site, but I have still been painting. I'm trialing a new HTML newsletter format so please let me know if things have gone awry!

New Art


Dark Brand: A cover commission for Robert C Fountain's Dark Brand: Book 1 of the Forge of Atuma. The book is available from http://www.lulu.com/content/941988 and is a fantasy novel set in a dark, Industrial Revolution world where beasts, sorcerers, shamans, warriors and rogues all walk side by side. I will hopefully be releasing prints of the cover.


Eir was a Norse goddess of healing (Viking). She's sometimes attributed to the Valkyries, as well as being a hand maiden of Freya. A common herb used for healing by the Vikings was Angelica. Reference used - the lovely Ida Mary Walker


Ériu is the namesake of Ireland, one of the Tuatha Dé Danann (Irish gods). Currently standard prints have been released, however I will be releasing Large prints soon.


Chae'nee is another character in Gary Allen's series. She is an assassin who has been possessed by demonic forces. Prints available on request.


A sketch for a painting featuring a gypsy seated in the forest. Prints available on request.

If you want a print and that hasn't been released, just reply to this newsletter.

Deviant art painting - prints available from http://nixjim13.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Sidhe-73913100

Also check out my Deviant art account as there are a few unreleased paintings in there: http://nixjim13.deviantart.com/

Zazzle Store

I've opened a store at http://www.zazzle.com/nicolecadet - at the moment there's only a few designs, but I'm hoping to add more in the future. Currently there are t-shirts, cards, magnets and stickers with designs from the 'Cats knows best' series and some fairy paintings.

Etsy Store

I'm in the process of working up some smaller format pieces to release through Etsy (such as ACEO cards and OSWA paintings). I'm also looking at some limited edition prints of a few of my ACEO cards that have been sold in the past. Due to changes in Ebay policies I probably won't be selling through EBay for a while. Etsy is different to Ebay in that it doesn't have an Auction function, but it has all the other features of feedback ratings.
Portrait Adoption

I'm finally a member! If you're on the lookout for a character commission, but don't want to go through the commission process, you may be able to pick up a suitable character portrait here. The pricing may be cheaper in some instances, but that's because I'll be painting characters I want to paint (without any structure/ restriction/ direction). There may be some aspects that can be customised, however they will be fairly minimal. You can also submit descriptions that a number of artists may choose to work on (no guarantee that I'll be one of the artists doing the work). Then you can choose from the selection.

Go to Portrait Adoptions for more information [Please note I haven't got anything available there yet! I'm working on it!]
Commission Status

Closed until mid March 2008.
Part Time Painter Blogs

How do I start the new year? By starting a new blog of course! What do I hope to achieve with this blog? Inspiration, creativity, diversity, world peace... um, yeah. The truth? I want to be a testimonial (maybe more a mark on the page) that you can work full time, and still carry on artistic endeavours professionally, and with some modicum of success.

You see, I'm an artist. A part time artist. Some weeks a very, very part time painter. I'm also a software developer, working full time for a government agency (.NET for all you geeks out there). I've been straddling the two careers for several years now, sometimes successfully, other times not.

So with this in mind, I intend on focusing on

* productivity - balancing time, life and art
* creativity - how you keep your 'muse' in check
* being a microbusiness - will I have a life and keep my sanity?
* being an online artist - galleries, products, marketing oh my!
* reducing stress - yes, having multiple hats can be stressful!
* reviews of books, products, websites, tips & tricks related to art and creativity
* any other related tid bits

Part Time Painter RSS Feed

Until the next update

Keep smiling :)




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