Mar 08, 2007 19:16
Life is just getting businer and busier at the moment. Emails and orders have been processed a lot slower than usual, and I expect that this trend will likely continue for the next few months. Ebay has been one of the first things I've cut back on, and I'll probably be taking on fewer commissions as my time has become more and more constrained.
Basically I do my art and art business stuff in my evenings and weekends as I work full time in the IT industry. I recently was promoted, and I haven't been well for quite a while. Life has become more involved than it was at this time last year meaning that I've had to step back from things and move at a slower pace! Doesn't mean I'm not painting, or working to my current commitments, just means that they may take a bit longer.
If I'm not around online much, or take a little longer than normal to get to things this is why. I've disabled comments because I really don't have time to answer them at the moment. To give you an example... I started work at 7:25am this morning. Worked through till 4:30ish. Since I got home I have worked on orders (haven't even changed from my work clothes or emptied my bag). I've got commission work I'm a week and a half behind on and I haven't even started dinner. It's 7:30pm and I've had a half hour break all day. This is pretty much a standard day at the moment. Busy is good, but I think I need to start slowing down!