Feb 04, 2009 20:01
We got phone books in Dec; Jan at the latest, and these people at the bottom of the stairs refuse their phone books existianstance. They have been sitting in their phone book plastic bag in-front of their door for that long.
It would be humanly impossible to miss these since they seriously have to step over them to go in and out of their house.
I wonder why they just have not given in the the god of phone book and taken them inside....or at lease threw them away when they went out for the garbage.
It has now became a game for me. I scooch the things a bit closer and closer to their door everyday. I think soon I am going to sit them up on end and have them begging as they open their door.
I know that if I left those phone books outside my door that I would get in trouble somehow.....dude even the guy thatdoesn't live next to me anymore has taken care of his phone book situation.
Like I said maybe its because I am sick, but its bugging me a lot.