I don't care.

Jan 24, 2012 18:15

  You piss me off...

For the uninteresting fact that you are so insensitive... 'I just get depressed' 'I don't need negative' You see the pattern? 'I' That's all I hear out of your mouth... 'I' Here's one from me... 'I hate you like this'.

I can't stand it! Nothing's your fault but it's everyone elses. You're more concerned about yourself than anyone around you. Hell, your girlfriend fell when you were on the phone and you walked out of the room to finish your conversation. And you always get rewarded for it too. I just can't take it.

Everyone tells me I'm just like you, I never want to be like you though... When you're like this I just want to hit you with the side of a shovel and walk away from you.

You ask for so much... I don't ask for anything.

I just wish you'd stop... It's impossible for someone to know everything yet you try to tell everyone you do. I can't deal with this with liquor and I'm trying to stay sober right now. 
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