realization in the car on the way down to mom & bob's: one of the first lines in the first song of "how the grinch stole christmas", where they're singing about decorating the tree, is something about "big blue balls". i'd never noticed that before. i almost ran off the road, i was laughing so hard.
at dinner: first, my brother (who, i should mention, is four years older than i am -- this is not a teenager we're talking about) was telling the joke about the guy who started answering all his spam, and a few months later his penis was 33" long. this was followed by a conversation about the pears we were eating as part of dinner (which were VERY ripe and juicy) and a discussion of the relative merits of these vs. other pears. phrases that came up: "these were hard when they came," "they start out hard, but they soften up." i had to hide behind my napkin for a minute or two. yes, i know i'm pathetic. >;)
my big present was a digital camera, so i can start putting product pics up on my website. nothing fancy, but hey, digital camera. rock on. prepare to be picspammed.
also got a couple more MST3K collections (
cereselle, i am now the proud owner of "hobgoblins"), a collection of assorted trader joe's stuff (dry roasted edamame, a couple simmer sauces, some almonds), um, what else? leather gloves, fuzzy socks, a toy for brazil that'll probably be either a re-gift or a donation (it's something she will NEVER use, i can almost guarantee it), a check that'll cover either a good chunk of my next supply order or will buy me a new memory foam pillow & body pillow (haven't decided yet, but i really do need the pillows, so that may be what wins), other minor stuff. those were the big things.
poor hannah banana the bassett hound. dunno if i mentioned, but the other day her glaucoma got bad again and they had to take her other eye, so she's completely blind now. she's pretty doped up and not feeling good, although she did perk up enough to eat her dinner and stand in the dog-door and bark for a while. always good signs, those. maude (the other bassett hound) is doing just dandy, thanks. better, really, since she doesn't have competition for her harassment of us, now.
ohgod i'm stuffed. "light dinner", my arse. (um. don't go there.) i think i'm gonna go curl up on the couch for a while and digest. hope everybody else is having a lovely xmas eve.