What a Shite life!!!!

Oct 08, 2005 13:30

I am really sorry but I have to vent my built up crap somewhere.

I was really happy on friday helping out at my daughters school, but I came home to a bloody letter from a solicitor, last year I was involved in a car accident, a speeding stolen vehicle crashed into me, wrote off my car and pushed me into another oncoming vehicle, needless to say the thieves of the speeding car fled the scene, so we cannot claim off anyone!! the car I was pushed into is now sueing me because they can't claim against the stolen car, we don't think that they can get anything but still there are court costs and all the hassle of getting a solicitor etc! poo eh!

Then last night while I was cooking tea I noticed a mouse sat on the worktop looking at me! I really nearly died, I hate living here, we only stay because it is my father-in-laws farm, and the business is loosing money and my husband won't leave and let his dad down, so we have to live in an old farmhouse, that needs too much work doing on it, that we cannot afford to do!

It gets worse!!!

Then this morning I woke up to a letter from the Tax Credit people - saying that we owe them £4450, we were apparently overpayed last year! I don't understand it because we are still getting the same amount of wages! our circumstances haven't changed. I hate life this morning, All I have done is cry, my kids are getting disturbed by it, I feel like shit! How the hell can we afford to pay all that back, we are living on the bread line as it is, God I hate everything to do with money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway...... Sorry for depressing everyone!
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