He doesn't miss hunting. He doesn't even miss John, most of the time, but there's this deep phantom pain where Dean used to be, hovering in the empty air beside him.
Oh, this was wonderful. I think it fits perfectly with what we've seen in canon, too. The Pilot made it seem as if Sam and Dean were estranged, and yet once we got to know them better, it was hard to imagine Dean would've just cut Sam off like that when Sam left. I really like the idea that he did keep in contact and kept the relationship alive until things went bad for other reasons. I love the scenario you presented; it's so them.
I especially loved Jess finding the picture. That was just perfect.
I really like the idea that he did keep in contact and kept the relationship alive until things went bad for other reasons.
I got that idea because Dean says in the Pilot, "You know in almost two years I’ve never bothered you. Never asked you for a thing." And since Sam has been gone for nearly four, I figured something must have happened for them to get to the point that Sam wouldn't pick up the phone if it was Dean.
You know, I hadn't even thought of that? I think Kripke said that line was a mistake, that Dean should've said four years, but I actually prefer to accept the line as-is and go with your idea -- that something happened to stop the communication, but originally they still kept in touch. It fits more with how I see them.
I hadn't heard that, but even though I would have rathered it was intentional, it's still kind of unintential canon. Heh. Unless Dean just has no concept of time and in all of his moving around didn't even notice it had been four years instead of two. Which actually I can kind of believe. Time flies when killing demons, and all that.
I can see it having gone two ways -- Dean did keep in contact for the first two years but something happened to make him stop, as in your story, or Sam shut him out from the beginning and Dean didn't have a choice (I can't imagine Dean voluntarily letting Sam go completely; if there was a break, I think it had to be Sam-instigated, even if it was Sam doing something and Dean retreating -- again, like in your story). Happily, both can work with the two years line.
I can't imagine Dean voluntarily letting Sam go completely; if there was a break, I think it had to be Sam-instigated
That's my feeling too. Honestly I didn't like Sam in the pilot because I thought what kind of person cuts his family off like that and isn't even glad to see them? But the way they click back together so easily got me hooked, and you know something a lot more complex was going on than your average estrangement. Nothing's easy with the Winchesters.
Hee. And now I'm just rambling, and breaking my 'no comments after midnight' rule. ;-)
I especially loved Jess finding the picture. That was just perfect.
I really like the idea that he did keep in contact and kept the relationship alive until things went bad for other reasons.
I got that idea because Dean says in the Pilot, "You know in almost two years I’ve never bothered you. Never asked you for a thing." And since Sam has been gone for nearly four, I figured something must have happened for them to get to the point that Sam wouldn't pick up the phone if it was Dean.
"You know in almost two years I've never bothered you. Never asked you for a thing."
"It was four years, asshole."
"Yeah whatever, that just proves my point more."
"Dean, I don't believe you."
"Yeah whatever, that just proves my point more."
Oh, Dean.
♥ ♥ ♥ Man, I love your fic. Always gets me thinking in the best ways.
And thanks, hun! You've got me thinking in the best ways with this conversation too. Mind if I friend you?
And goforit! Friending you back, natch.
That's my feeling too. Honestly I didn't like Sam in the pilot because I thought what kind of person cuts his family off like that and isn't even glad to see them? But the way they click back together so easily got me hooked, and you know something a lot more complex was going on than your average estrangement. Nothing's easy with the Winchesters.
Hee. And now I'm just rambling, and breaking my 'no comments after midnight' rule. ;-)
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