Done for the
c_im_bigbang challenge, wherein my art was used to influence a story. It's just as awesome as it sounds.
So, we've got Captain America, beat up, bruised, bloody and broken in the late stages of palladium poisoning because he's got a MOTHERFUCKING ARC REACTOR in his chest. And Holy Shit! Why's Tony on the run??
I'll let you tell me what happened ;)
Special love to
stripedpetunia for being special and lovely and coming up with the arc reactor idea in the first place. This would probably have been a lot smuttier without her (I'll leave you to decide if that's a good or bad thing)
Thank you to
Flitter_and_fly for stepping up and offering to pinch hit so late in the game. You're wonderful!
Check out the story here! Also. epic kudos to grand high
Muccamukk for agreeing to host the damn thing in the first place, not to mention running herd on a bunch of flaky writers and artists and not even yelling at us once. <3
Now, I have to go to work. Sadness.
Thanks for looking!