Hi Guys!

Jan 23, 2012 11:55

Oh hai. Not dead, still recovering from a bastard flu/sinus infection. It hurts to chew, and move, and breathe so I've been experimenting with various combinations of pharmaceuticals and alcohol in an attempt to perfect the Healing Coma of Happiness. Results have been mixed, though I am surprisingly well rested.

-Trying to write girl!Watson fic, based on a snippet of dialogue that came to me while I was probably delirious with fever. That... actually explains a lot. Now if I can just find a story to put with the words, I'll be set.

-I have been rereading ALL OF THE SHERLOCK FIC. For research. >.> (I also half-promised arminaa a welcome to the fandom, OMG READ THIS rec list. (Yes, Paradox Suite has already been mentioned :D) but feel free to link me your favourites here! )

-hung out with stripedpetunia and we fangirled over Sherlock (LOL -- rewatching the scene where Sherlock and John stare Mycroft down for being rude to Mrs. Hudson XD SO MUCH LOVE) and then she pulled out Generation Kill. Haven't started reading fic yet, but I do have a resurgence of love for men in uniforms (so shallow, omg Dani) and a new love for snarky radio officers named Ray.

-Caught up on series 2 of Sherlock as well, and I have feelings about all of the eps. HOUND was my favourite, because Captain John Watson makes my life, but Reichenbach filled me with cringing disappointment. I liked it, just not as much as I wanted to. I'll have to watch it again to articulate why exactly (other than wonky pacing, overwrought melodrama and Moriarty). John was fucking amazing in that ep though. (Honestly, if they set up a separate show, called the John and Mycroft Hour which was just Martin Freeman and Mark Gatiss sitting in a room using their faces and snarking at each other, I'd watch it. I'd watch it ALL THE TIME)

-I won jaylee_g in a charity auction. She really doesn't want to write my mirrorverse AU where Jim is an irresponsible frat boy who falls into the clutches of the mad Vulcan scientist Spock and is impregnated with the help of eeeeevil femme!Doctor McCoy (did I hit all of your squicks there, bb? I'd hate to think I missed one :P ) so I'll be asking for Scotty fic instead. Which fandom will always need more of \o/

-I have learned the Chinese characters for Fisting (拳交). My life is complete. The delightful melnakuru has kindly offered to translate Borderline into Chinese. See it here at the AO3.

-I have failed at my goal of Reading Actual Books in 2012 so far. I still have a week to get through Vellum, so I may be keeping my head down and hiding my iPad so as not to give into temptation.

That's me right now. How are you guys doing?


I'll tag this later
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