Och, a Bonnie favourite of mine, to be sure! (so sorry for the delay, I am fail at keeping up with posts XD)
He prised the wrapping off the box, face still flushed and fighting hard to keep the grin from his face. He'd not known they'd known his birthday. Indeed, he'd been preparing for a bit of a sulk over his finest homebrew and the cold comfort of his technical journals when he'd logged off shift this evening.
An urgent summons from the Captain to the assembly boardroom was greeted with no more than a sigh and a shrug and not an ounce of suspicion. Such was his lot, Scotty'd figured with a philosophical air. So defined by his trade, his expertise eclipsed his self. There were worse ways to be, he was sure, but an unremarked birthday is surely such a time as to allow for a certain degree of maudlin, even if he's old enough to know better.
But never has he been so pleased as to be proved wrong as when Jim threw his arm about Scotty's shoulders and led him into a tangle of streamers and cheering crew. All for him, as is the curious, vibrating box in his hands, presented by a smirking Gaila.
Her keen eyed interest as he reaches for the lid is what tips him off that perhaps this particular present is best opened in the privacy of his quarters. With some lovely company, if he's reading her right.
He prised the wrapping off the box, face still flushed and fighting hard to keep the grin from his face. He'd not known they'd known his birthday. Indeed, he'd been preparing for a bit of a sulk over his finest homebrew and the cold comfort of his technical journals when he'd logged off shift this evening.
An urgent summons from the Captain to the assembly boardroom was greeted with no more than a sigh and a shrug and not an ounce of suspicion. Such was his lot, Scotty'd figured with a philosophical air. So defined by his trade, his expertise eclipsed his self. There were worse ways to be, he was sure, but an unremarked birthday is surely such a time as to allow for a certain degree of maudlin, even if he's old enough to know better.
But never has he been so pleased as to be proved wrong as when Jim threw his arm about Scotty's shoulders and led him into a tangle of streamers and cheering crew. All for him, as is the curious, vibrating box in his hands, presented by a smirking Gaila.
Her keen eyed interest as he reaches for the lid is what tips him off that perhaps this particular present is best opened in the privacy of his quarters. With some lovely company, if he's reading her right.
(he totally is)
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