ok.. the finishing blog for Odd-Con is long... long.. long over due..
where last we left our intrepid, adventuring Hobbit-like being.. it was Friday night..
Saturday morning.. was shitty a bit rough..
not so much from a hang-over.. but.. more lack of sleep or rest.
However, I did wake up in plenty of time for my first panel at 10 am..
I had my alarm set to wake me at 9 30, but I woke around 9-ish.. and sort of regretted that decision, but I stuck with it and stumbled into the Con-Suite for nourishment..
liquid.. liquid was good
The first panel was 'Campaign Design' with Brian Curley, Monte Cook, Adrian Drake, and.. well.. me..
I really.. really.. really could have used better sleep for this one..
I chimed in a time or two, but there was very little I could add that Curley, Cook, and Drake didn't point out
all three are obviously master Story Tellers/Game Masters/Dungeon Masters..
on the plus side, they didn't add anything that I don't already do when preparing for a game, and the main focus we all agreed to was research..
research, research, research..
focus on the details that are commonly forgotten.. like.. food.. what do the people of an area eat? how do the eat it? why do they eat it?
a lot of society is based around food.. getting it, keeping it, preparing it, and consuming it..
now, it really doesn't need to be the lynch pin of a game.. but it does fill in the background
one of the main sources all three of the other panelists used was 'A Day in the Life of a Medieval Town'.. or.. 'Life in a Medieval Town'.. something like that, which details out life in a town in that time period..
if I ran more games in the era (i.e. D&D or other High-Fantasy) I'd probably use the same..
my favorite source is maps.. I love maps.. maps impart an amazing amount of information
I admit.. I was quite zoned out for the panel and I felt rather guilty for not doing a better job.. the panel went well though
From there I went to a book reading of Monte Cook's Conspiracy Theories: a Skeptic's Guide..
I was able to find this gem of a book online easily enough.. but.. before I shell out bucks to pick something up, I like to at least flip through it, and I was utterly unable to find it anywhere, in any store, in Madison..
I stopped in several different bookstores.. used book stores... etc..
no luck whatsoever..
the reading was fabulous, and entertaining, and enlightening..
it turns out that since he had been doing the research on his own book.. TSR/Wizards of the Coast/whomever had asked him to work on game for them that was already in process based around conspiracies and evil ickies and other such noir things
at the end there was the 'question and answer'.. again.. very informative..
I inquired as to what exactly sort of genre the book fell under, that I could find it online.. but.. couldn't find it anywhere else.. turns out it's either a Political Science or Humor..
I dashed out to a nearby used book store..
Political Science.. no
Humor.. no
Philosophy.. no
Fantasy/Sci-fi.. no
every other conceivable section.. no
Another used book store.. not so nearby
Political Science.. no
Humor.. no
Philosophy.. no
Fantasy/Sci-fi.. no
every other conceivable section.. no
Barnes and Nobles.. and.. once again.. endeavored to find it
Political Science.. no
Humor.. no
Philosophy.. no
every other conceivable sec.. wait a second.. what about that hippie tree hugging crap that New Age type stuff??
under Astrology.. I finally found it..
now, what this book has to deal with Astrology.. I have no idea.. but.. that's where it was
sadly, while I was getting the Conspiracy book (and I grabbed the rp game he did using his conspiracy theories research) I missed out on his book signing..
so.. with some free time.. I walked through the dealer room (not bad.. much better than last years) and then helped out with the Con-Suite
now.. it was time for the Guest of Honor Speeches..
Tobias Buckell has had an interesting life..
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_S._Buckelland I wish I had picked up some of his works.. as they sound very good
next up was Monte Cook..
his speech was beyond amazing and I wish I had asked for a copy then (which would of course been noted as coming from him) but I asked him if he was going to be posting it on his LJ account and he said he would be posting it (soon I hope)
it perfectly detailed why he gamed.. why it was so important to him, and it mirrored my own feelings amazingly closely
(it was rather difficult getting a clear picture of Monte Cook.. as he was really quite animated while giving his speech.. oh.. and I believe that he actually went first in the Guest of Honor speeches.. technically speaking)
after that was a Question and Answer session/interview with Harry Turtledove
it was cool.. he is a very interesting guy.. very shy
(here's a picture of him signing some books for me)
at the end of the Guest of Honor speeches, each guest was given a 'Odd-Con Cow'..
Tobias' cow had dreadlocks and looked faintly rastafarian.. (which he got a chuckle out of)
Monte's cow had wizard-y stuff on.. and.. he seemed to dig that..
Harry's cow.. I think was part mechanical/cyborg.. I think.. I can't remember.. but all three really enjoyed the gifts as each one poked just a bit of fun at who they are, what they do, and where the came from
I then had to dash off to another panel
this one was called 'Storytellers art in Gaming'
with Lee Schneider, Adrian Drake.. and.. well.. me
it.. was.. a.. decent panel
Schneider is clearly a good storyteller, but his focus on being 'outside' of the mainstream gaming world (which I found rather odd.. since.. I've never really seen gaming as being mainstream) and seemed to abhor any and all gaming systems..
'all you need is three d6, a pencil, and a piece of paper.. and I'll supply the dice, pencil, and paper' was his motto
I can dig the rules light movement..
honestly, I can.. I fully support it..
but he kept harping again and again and again on how he didn't ever and wouldn't ever use any game system.. cause.. umm..
I guess they are like.. evil... or something..
or they support some sort of.. evil.. thing.. or notion..
A good game master.. most certainly.. my type of game master.. probably not
and I think the panel (which he was the moderator of, since he suggested it) seemed to be based more around not using any sort of a game system..
adding in that special something to a game that enhances it from just a game to a memorable and sought after event
from there it was simply hanging out.. more green stuff and blue stuff..
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog..
what could make Dr. Horrible/s Sing-Along-Blog better than it normally is??
how about twenty or so people singing along?
how about twenty or so people singing along that happen to also be highly intoxicated very happy?
why yes.. that would make it even more awesome than it normally is..
I didn't stay up nearly as late Saturday.. so I might have missed out on some random nakedness..
not sure..
onto Sunday morning and a panel I was looking forward to..
"Remembering Gary Gygax"
I'm amazed that I talk to any table-top gamer that doesn't know who he is and what he did for gaming..
and.. there are quite a few that don't have any clue as to who he is..
and some of these people play D&D!
It's like.. being into cars.. and not knowing who Henry Ford was
it was awesome
the people who suggested the panel not only knew Gary for years.. but worked with him from the very beginning of all things TSR
the husband was on the production end.. having been a printer and box maker
while the wife was a proof-reader and box stuffer person..
they had a few games from the onset of the company, they would have had more.. but... many of them 'disappeared'.. they think that the sun sold 'em off on ebay
one was a game called Suspicion..
a boardgame that featured Gary, Arnenson, and all the original TSR crew in a photo on it's cover (which the husband snapped the photo of)
and a mint condition boxed set of Tekumal (which I literally drooled over)
Richard Russel was there.. and he read from a book called Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks.. cause it held several interviews with people remembering Gary Gygax.. and the interviewer was amazed at the reverence that the gamers held for Gary
which.. I must admit..
I completely understand.. when his statue is erected Lake Geneva..
I do plan on going..
I do plan on leaving a die..
I do plan on weeping like a two year old girl..
they had many interesting anecdotes..
such as..
Gary never drove.. ever.. he never learned. He had said that he couldn't pay attention long enough and would have had an accident..
For a long time.. him and his wife had very very little..
The bulk of their drink ware was from empty peanut butter jars.. and Gary's reasoning was simple..
"Gary liked kids.. Kids liked peanut butter.. Kids break glasses.. Kids eat peanut butter.. thus there would always be an endless supply of glasses and snacks for the kids."
Nix was quite jealous that they knew him as well as they did..
there was a short break.. I got food..
made certain that they knew I was going to be helping break stuff down in the Con-Suite
hit the dealers room..
where I bought a d5, d16, and d24..
if you have to ask 'why.. why would you buy them.. why would you need them?'
you obviously don't know a The Nix (cause I still need a d3, d7, and a d14)
I bought a few books, got a free tote bag, and then picked up a game called Bureaucracy: The Glamor and Excitement of Civil Service Inaction (in a boardgame!!!), it looks amazingly fun
I did have to get to my last panel..
I grabbed a bite to eat with Victor and Adrian as we talked about the panel.. (cause I really needed food)
then it started.. the final panel
"What the heck is 'Old School Renaissance'?"
with Victor Raymond, Adrian Drake, Monte Cook, and.. well.. me
holy crap.. this was an awesome panel..
It wasn't so much about a genre of gaming..
or a specific publisher..
or a time period that the game was produced..
more of a 'style' of gaming..
where story and character interaction is emphasised over rolls or cumbersome rules..
what surprised me was that Monte Cook was such a supporter of the 'movement'..
heck.. he did D&D 3rd edition.. which was one of the more rules heavy (though it was noted that AD&D was often heavy handed with weird rules) D&D editions.. well.. till 4th came out anyway
(which Monte joked must be 4 times better than the original)
many good points were made by all the panelists and Victor did a great job of always including the audience..
picture courtesy of Brian Curley.. who was kind enough to use my camera to document the panel (for as long as he could anyway)
from left to right are: Victor Raymond, Adrian Drake, Monte Cook, and Nix
(picture caption: Suck it Sox.. I'm sitting next to Monte Cook!!! errr.. Nix.. sitting next to Monte Cook :-p)
Monte making another point in favor of small press, old school games
and.. just one more of me sitting next to and talking to Monte Cook.. cause..
I sat next to Monte Cook and talked gaming :-D
At the end of the panel, Monte was kind enough to sign a couple of books for me..
I asked him what his future plans were..
oh.. and technically.. all the panelists had those little placards that I have in front of me..
I guess by this point I was the only one still using his..
finally, there were the closing ceremonies..
the Con-Suite was much loved.. most of the convention was greatly loved..
I reiterated where one could find Monte's conspiracy book when asked.. mostly cause it was quite funny that they put the book under Astrology and other people were wanting to get it
the closing dinner was had..
free food was there for the Con-Suite force..
(they ran out of waffle fries.. so my Idaho Nachos (an amazingly delicious concoction of waffle fries, bacon, three kinds of cheese, and sour cream) had to be made with regular fries.. it was still good, artery clogging, and unbelievably fattening..
also.. cause of my contributions..
I got a free T-Shirt.. that allows me to add +1 to all my attack rolls 'cause Monte Cook Said So'
cgi.ebay.com/Monte-Cook-said-Game-Rule-T-Shirt-Attack-Roll-/290344999815 the kewlest part.. I mean.. getting the shirt rocked..
it came from Monte Cook himself..
he wanted to help support the convention, so he gave some swag to be given out to the top volunteers..
how much does that rock?
(insert sigh)
it was an amazingly awesome weekend..
uber-hawt-librarian chick threw a couple of super awesome parties
all the panels were great..
good food was had..
hanging out with friends was done..
I have offers for two..
yes.. two more games.. one with ogre-d00d.. and another with the some of the top people that run the convention
just more incentive to actually move to or closer to Madison..