finally.. something to actually blog about

Jun 17, 2009 17:28

normally.. in the life of a Nix..
there really isn't all that much to write about..
its why so many of my blogs tend to be somewhat rambling posts that don't really go anywhere..
not a lot actually changes in the life of a Nix
yesterday is pretty much the same as today and tomorrow is usually the same as the day before

today is different!
today.. something actually happened!!

first off.. went down to get my Wisconsin license.  This has been an unusually annoying and troublesome task due to the utter stupidity of the d.m.v. here..
why is it idiotic you might ask (if you are just tuning into this particular rant)?
1) you MUST have a birth certificate in hand if you are not from state or are just getting a license
2) you MUST have either a pay stub or the utility bill from where you are living
3) you MUST have a THIRD 'proof' of identification (besides a s.s. card)

one thing you might have noticed.. NONE of these have a picture of you on them..
if you ever want to change your identity.. or steal someone elses.. or come into this country illegally, yet have official documentation, then come on over to Wisconsin!
a birth certificate is easily enough obtained.. (and has no picture)
a pay stub??
a freakin pay stub???
are you freakin kidding me???
I got a printer.. I'll print out all the 'pay stubs' you want you gibbering goons

I even had the utility bill in hand.. opened in front of their eyes (with post mark emblazoned on the front of the envelope) and then they had to discuss if they could accept this utility bill..
its a fucking utility bill!!!
issued from a state sanctioned monopoly.. the nit-wits in charge had to discuss the fucking thing for ten minutes as to whether or not a land-line and internet connection constituted as a 'utility'
(although such a listing is not only on their website, more on that later, but its also listed on their OWN DAMNED PAPERWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
yet again.. does not actually have your picture anywhere

omg getting my license here has been a damned nightmare.  mostly because they refuse to accept anything issued by the state of Wisconsin (such as a title to a vehicle.. the registration to a vehicle.. a letter from the U.S. government stating I live at that address..) or anything from another state as proof of who you are.

I literally had my TN license in my hand.. saying.. this is me.. it has my picture, see it.. right there?
'well, we can't be certain that is an actual license.. nor can we be certain that is you.'

ummm.. what???
if I get pulled over.. I can use it to prove who I am. I can't give the cop a freakin pay stub to show him who I am.. can I?
no where have I ever lived have they refused to accept a state license as proof of who you are, no.. they want random pieces of paper that at no time show a picture to prove who you are.
(after all.. it merely had holographic designs on it and a specialized bar-code to prevent fraud)

yet.. they finally accepted the proof of who I am and.. I got my license
well.. technically..
" here you go.. we will be mailing you your license in around 2 weeks.  till then.. use this piece of paper to prove to the world you are who you say you are.."
(since it is obviously impossble to.. oh.. I don't know.. print the same damn thing out on a printer.)

when I asked why I couldn't just get one.. you know.. printed there.. on the machine sitting right in front of me that they use to.. you know.. print out a license.
they looked at me as if I was speaking some form of demonic speech only heard in the lowest depths of hell..

if I get my license in two weeks.. I figure I will be lucky

onto good-ish news..
I've been wanting a digital camera for awhile.  that way I can take pics of.. well.. stuff that people take pics of.. like a normal person.
my parents have also been wanting a digital camera, and.. after explaining what a digital camera was, what a digital picture was, and what a digital camera did.. and what a digital picture was..
I headed out today to look at some digital cameras that were on sale at Wal-mart..
I know.. the hated and evil Wal-Mart..
but, in my defense.. I don't really have much of a choice in where I can go for discount prices..
the only other places within 45 freakin miles is Staples and a specialty shop that sell the same exact equipment but at double (or more) the price

if I could have gone anywhere else.. I would have..
(I thought about going online.. but.. not being able to hold it or ogle it personally was a big turn off)

so.. there I was..
I spent a little over an  hour going through various cameras.. ogling this or ogling that (and ogling the hotties that wandered by)

finally I settled on a GE WM1050.. it was like 80 bucks with a small SD card included
its a 10.1 megapixel with 5x optical zoom and 5.7x digital zoom..
I almost considered going for a fancier model.. but then remembered it would be pointless since the amount of fancy photography I plan on doing is pretty nil.
it was between this one.. a vivitar one (of same basic stats) and another name-brand that was 8mp, with a bag, SD card, and a little less zoomage.. however, this last one was pink in color and my testicles would not allow me to buy anything pink

then I got my parents a different one.. it was only 7.1 mp.. 4x zoom.. not as many features (that they would never use and only ask me a dozen times what it did.. and then not use it anyway).. it was like 65 bucks. 
I had thought about getting them one that was on sale for 50 bucks, but the other one had this 'shakey' feature and a bag..
it was mostly the 'shakey' feature that clinched it for me (and its simpler design) because my step-mom has terrible shakes due to a chronic illness

I even got a little gift bag and some tissue paper to 'wrap' it in..
they were uber surprised and have been playing about with it for the last  hour.

yet.. even though it is a decent little camera.. and it doesn't have a bunch of useless (cause they would use them) features.. some part of me still thinks ' I could have done better.. I could have gotten them a better camera'
i know that this camera is about what they would have spent (cause I would have been with them suggesting what they needed and didn't need), but since it was a gift.. for some reason I feel I should have done better for some reason
they were very very happy with it.. its an off-brand.. not that they really care about that (nor I for that matter)
bah.. I know its more than what my step-brother would do and I'm not even working right now
and I know they will use it extensivly whenever they go out and when my nephew comes to visit

I might get them a usb hub.. so that its easier for them to plug and unplug from the computer


family, table 9, f*ck

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