now.. I understand most won't understand the intense love a gamer has for dice.. or how it can come close to porn to see those multi-faceted beauties..
but.. yowza!!!!
look at these.. Nix almost needed some private Nix-time while drooling over these.. getting dreamier eyed than he does at the hawtest porn
mmmmm.. D3 goodness.. a D3!
and it comes in green.. I mean, come on!
thats pure sex.. one does have to ink in the colors yourself cause it comes naked..
some dice are just a tease like that
and whats this.. a D5?
why.. yes it is.. it comes in green as well
another naked die.. they should put NSFW labels on these!
oh.. and the D7..
sweet and lovely.. taunting the D6 with its mighty 7
its a trifle hard to make out on the clear caste image..
but.. if you thought that this was the fabled D14..
then you would be correct
stamped with precision edges for that precision roller for precise rolls
then there is the D16..
the pornage continues though
oh.. the D24.. 24 equal sides of luciousness..
now, if you were wondering why many of these are uninked,
thats because the machine that inks the numbers has a tendency of rounding the corners..
a rounded corner makes for a rather inprecise roll.. it skews the percentages ever so slightly
an old gamer loves his old dice in which he or she had to mark in the numbers on the mud die..
a mud die, by the way, is the much lusted for original polyhedrons offered prior to high impact acrylics and plastics..
they were soft..
and wonderous
but wait..
tis not over yet!!
for now in this heady, extravagent, and hedonistic times in which we live.. we have even more specialized dice!!!!!
oh yes..
metal dice
solid silver.. (these happen to be runic dice.. 24 sided)
and brass..
all shiney and metally
whats this??
lovely lovely wonderful copper?
yummy nummy scrumdiddlyumptious copper?
yes.. it is..
imagine.. dice you can polish!
its not just the various metals that are being used..
but precious and semi-precious stones..
here we see malachite.. but there is also tigers-eye, obsidian, quartz, jasper, hematite, unikite, jade, well.. you get the point..
if there is a pretty rock.. you can be certain its been carved into a die
yet.. as groin happy as these all make me..
they are chump change compared to the next few..
here is the smallest die known to exist..
those Japanese are always trying to save space, but a die that is smaler than a pencil lead
(0.3 mm in size) is a bit extreme..
if one needs an electron microscope to see it its a bit useless.. especially at over 880 bucks a piece
oh, and they take over nine hours to be produced
from Crystal Caste's Dwarven Dice (the same wonderful people that make the semi-precious stone sets) we have the
ultra-orgasm enducing Meteor die..
its a twenty sided die..
made from a freakin meteor!!!!
only a couple hundred bucks a piece to..
and its made out of a freakin meteor!!!!!!!!!!!!
how frakin cool is that shit??
oh.. let me roll my attack.. with a meteor!!!
yet.. all of these pale in price to this
a 24 sided glass die from ancient Rome..
found in the 1920's.. it sold for over 13,000
dice.. dice.. glorious dice..
how many dice are enough?
tis a silly question cause there is no answer..
one can NEVER have enough dice..
when zombies attack I have it planned to visit the Dwarven Dice and load up on their sets..
that way when I escape to an island with my friends we will have dice to use :-D