A little about the kitties... (and a request for advice)

Jun 19, 2007 10:08

Sheba's a spayed female Bombay black-haired cat, around 4 years old. I used to take her outside on her harness, but haven't done that at the new place for fear she'll scare away all the birds. She's an absolute sweetie, loves everyone, is curious about everything, and is patient with the world. Recently she has reclaimed my bed (which Graham claimed the moment he moved in, pretty much), and she's been sleeping with me again the last few nights -- something she hadn't done much if at all since before Graham moved in.

She has also taken to licking me frequently. In fact, it's practically a compulsion if my hand is near her mouth. I read somewhere that a cat licking like this is grooming you and it's a sign of affection. However, I have a very strong recollection of the cat I grew up with who suddenly started licking us all the time, incessantly... turned out she had Feline Leukemia and wasn't able to get enough nutrients from food... her muscles were being used for their nutrients, and she was licking cuz she needed the nutrients. ... So naturally I'm worried about Sheba. She has been tested, but it was a while ago. She apparently got out a few times from the foster home she was in before I took her in... should I get her re-tested to be sure? Or should I not worry, as the licking is the only "symptom"?

Graham is a neutered male Flame-Point Siamese kitty (the one in the user pic), about 2.5 years old. He's very shy around people he doesn't know (he had a traumatic life before being rescued) but is very slowly learning to trust visitors. He likes to play fight (and leaving tufts of Sheba's fur around the apartment), to take naps on paper products, and to rip heavy plastic bags to pieces. He's the one that starts all the "fights" with Sheba, but she's usually the victor (often just by staring him down). Within the last couple weeks, he has finally started grooming himself. He seems to still be learning, but I'm betting Sheba's a good influence on him in this regard.

Recently, I've witnessed Graham drag his little cat ass across the carpet on two occasions. The first was a couple weeks before I took him into the vet for a well-kitty visit... (At the visit, they took and tested a fecal sample and was found to have a benign parasite -- Graham spits up the medication, so the vet said it was no big deal for him to keep the parasite, worst it'd do is give him soft stools and make him lose weight). The second time I witnessed this was this morning. I didn't mention it to the vet at that first visit -- maybe I should've. Who knows how much he does it while I'm at work or asleep or simply not paying attention. Should I be worried? Should I take him back into the vet? Perhaps this is related to the benign parasite and nothing can be done about it if Graham won't keep the meds down? Maybe it's just normal for cats who haven't yet mastered the art of self-grooming?

Any assistance/advice you kitty-lovers can offer would be greatly appreciated!


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